I have been asked to look after the cake for my grandaughters 21st. She said she likes carrot cake,(i hace never made one) they are having 120+ guests.Ideas please about size recipe and icing. the party is the 27 May. How long before can you make a carrot cake.
May 9, 9:07pm
Sorry about the spelling
May 9, 10:27pm
Is there anybody that can help me please.
May 9, 11:05pm
Bumping for you
May 9, 11:12pm
I have doubled/tripled and 4x'ed this cake and it all ways turn's out perfectly, just adjust your cooking times to suit, a clean skewer is a great indication...
Here it is BEAT 3 eggs, 3/4 cup oil and 1.5cups sugar, when light in colour add 1 tsp vanilla 3/4 cup orange juice and small tin of crushed pinnapple. In another bowl put 3 cups grated carrot, 2 cups wholemeal flour, 1 cup coconut 1.5 tsp mixed spice, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1.5 tsp baking soda, 2 tsp baking powder, .5 cup walnuts. Mix all together, bake 160 for approx 1 hr, keep checking after 50mins (oven dependent) I would 4x times this for the cake you are after, I have often been asked to make this one for 21st, B'days etc and triple it..
May 9, 11:22pm
Thank you mackenzie .Can I make it a week or so before. how do yo ice yours. do you bake yours in a roasting dish when you make a big one..
May 10, 12:01am
sorry but you'll have to hunt through for the recipe, but worth it
May 10, 12:16am
My receipe is also from a cafe, It is the one that I work at, and people from all around NZ & overseas come back for another piece...
I have made it in a roasting dish before
At work I ice it with a cream cheese icing, then sprinkle top with chopped dried apricots, shredded coconut, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, & walnuts
May 10, 12:53am
When should I make it the party is the 27 May
May 10, 1:23am
I would either make it a couple of days before, or I would bake it now and freeze it, Just allow enough time to defrost...
May 10, 1:38am
My mum uses your recipe with the exception that hers uses white not wholemeal flour.It is a stunning cake one of the best carrot cakes I have ever had, its moist and delicious.All I would add it that fresh walnuts should be used as the imported ones are often rancid when they are used and it makes them bitter
May 10, 2:17pm
So true, aren't they just awful, I have bag loads freshly picked drying in my garage, yum
May 10, 4:42pm
If the idea of making a huge cake is daunting, make a regular sized one and cream cheese it, add a ribbon and candles, put it on a gorgeous plate and everyone will be impressed. Also make another meat dish type one and have it in the kitchen for serving. Your family obviously trust your baking skills and its a lovely thing to do for your granddaughter.
May 10, 8:05pm
Find a wholesaler caterer that can supply big slabs of these cakes.I would buy 2/3/4 and just decorate the one for party and leave the remainder to cut up for the rest. Search thru the posts here and Enter carrot cake in left hand box as someone a few months had huge one they use to make in cafe.
May 23, 2:00am
Were can I buy corn syrup please
May 23, 2:40am
Thank you mackenzie2 l made it for the weekend and it was lovely but l was wondering what size cake tin you cook the standard recipe in l used a 23cm and it took ages to cook and filled the tin to the top but was delicious and all of it eaten in no time
May 23, 1:57pm
Oh that is great, thrilled you were pleased with it, I usually use a large round tin to make one cake
May 23, 3:53pm
Thanks mackenzie l will be making it again as it is easy and tastyl will use my bigger tin next time
May 23, 10:12pm
Bin Inn in Hamilton East has corn syrup
Oct 4, 2:19pm
Thank You I made the Motuekacake double the recipe in a 23 inch square tin. Will be making it again. I got compliments from everybody
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