So as to give Hairchopper some breathing space... . while she moves house, and to keep this thread at the top of the m/board (and provide ourselves with some light entertainment), why not, those that are waiting for the recipe, guess one ingredient each, that would/could be in the recipe. I'll start: MIXED SPICE.
Apr 15, 6:10pm
Grated Carrot ... .
Apr 15, 6:13pm
Orange Juice. Oh and quantities too, would be interesting !
Apr 15, 6:16pm
I thought it was only for one item... . . Gives an indication on whom is waiting or watching... LOL. Think this will be interesting in what comes forth as it gets further on... Cheers.
Apr 15, 6:25pm
golden syrup (maybe) or brown sugar/white sugar
Apr 15, 6:30pm
Re # 60 - Yes you'rre quite right - oops. I had wanted to put up my post about also guessing at the quantities, but I put in another ingredient too. I only realised what I had done, after posting it! ! haha Hope you all enjoy my idea. The end result could be a brand new recipe of it's own.
Apr 15, 6:31pm
brandy essence~!
Apr 15, 6:57pm
Re #63... . . One could then look at quantities later on and fine tuning it a little, personally will throw in an interesting ingredient later on if required LOL ... . by then this special one has come forth but in the meantime, a great exercise to be had by all, Cheers.
Apr 15, 7:09pm
Sliced brazil nuts- Under Red Veranda's very secret recipe carrot cake to die for has that as an ingredient.
Apr 15, 7:38pm
I think this thread is starting to come close ... to the infamous Whakatane Intermediate Slice in its avid following and salivating punters up and down the country:-)
Apr 15, 8:14pm
Bran slice thread Hopefully this one will eventually result in a useful recipe...
Apr 15, 9:57pm
Bymping... . To keep this going.
Apr 15, 10:21pm
Thanks for bumping, Scholar, ... . and you can also bump by adding one ingredient.
Apr 15, 11:08pm
I am Back! ! ! I have the Recipe, sorry it took a while my friend that made it as my wedding cake was down the blardy west coast! ! ! ! BUT i have it type it up now! ! ! ! take me a little while!
Apr 15, 11:11pm
you lucky im here at 410pm! ever notice how i am normally in here real late at night, But no work cutting hair today so here i am, this is the cafe recipe,
Apr 15, 11:18pm
MOTUEKA GRAIN & GRAPE CARROT CAKE (CAFE now called The Mooring) 2 Cups of wholemeal Flour 2 Cups of sugar 2 tspn of Mixed spice 2 tspn Cinnamon 2 tspn of Baking Soda 2 Cups of sugar 1 Cup of Walnuts 1/2 Cup of Pumpkin seeds 1 Cup of Sultanas 1 Cup of chopped up dried Apricots,
Apr 15, 11:23pm
That's the one! That's the one! Hairchopper, you rock!,
Apr 15, 11:24pm
Now I can stop wasting my time posting on the general threads and go make carrot cake!
Mix all the ingredients together except the ones above, (carrots oil eggs vanilla) add grated carrots, mix well whisk up 1 1/2 Cups oils with the 4 eggs add the vanilla, then Fold Carefully into the dry ingredients DO NOT OVER MIX Bake at 170oc for up to 2 hours keep an eye on it, Dont forget to line the tin, makes 1 large cake,
Apr 15, 11:26pm
#77, I suspect not. Now let the poor girl type. .
Apr 15, 11:27pm
OMG! ! ! Meant to be 2 Cups of sugar! ! ! Blardy kids, phone ringing & people texting! GRRRRR i wrote it twice sorry!,
Apr 15, 11:28pm
Thank you SOOOOO much for all the trouble you have taken with this. I've emailed my daughter to say her recipe is posted, and she's getting all overexcited. It's amazing you've done this, shifting and all. Thank you again, bless you!
Apr 15, 11:30pm
sitting her typing so carefully sorry for that muck up, Sorry she didnt say the size of the tin, She like did this for our wedding cake but doubled it i think & made us 3 heart cakes, cost me &125 for all the ingredients 3 years ago, THE ICING is in the edmonds cook book, Its all cream cheese with lemon juice i think & maybe icing sugar,
Apr 15, 11:30pm
wow thats great hairchopper specially with the moving i sooo know whats that like, is this for a roasting dish size thanks and good luck with the move
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