Anyone know if these homemade, would freeze ok if made now for xmas day.
Dec 20, 2:50pm
Yes, I freeze them all the time, sometimes 2 weeks in advance. I cream them & freeze them, then drizzle choc over on the day to be eaten & let them thaw out, no need to refrigerate. But you can freeze them with the choc on as well.
I made about 180 last week froze them & then put the melted choc on the night before I used them & put them back in the freezer, took them out about 3hrs before serving, delish!
No one can tell the difference between the frozen ones & the ones that have not been frozen.
Dec 20, 2:54pm
It is choice if you freeze them filled or cream and ice them once thawed. I personally think they look fresher filling and icing them, once thawed.
Dec 20, 2:55pm
Oh & I don't cut them open, make a hole in the bottom & pipe the cream in, I also pipe the eclaires but you don't need to
Dec 20, 3:20pm
I like the sound of not cutting them but doesn't the cream ooze out the bottom!
Dec 20, 4:46pm
No. They still ooze when you eat them either way LOL
Dec 20, 7:01pm
I am tempted to make mine the night before and store in a container. Are they still fresh the next day, or soggy. I dont fancy freezing them.
Dec 20, 7:18pm
If you don't cut them how do you get the uncooked "goo" out of the inside!
Dec 20, 7:37pm
If they are cooked properly there won't be any uncooked goo.
Dec 20, 7:46pm
I agree, there shouldn't but I don't cook them anymore.I'm just remembering back to when I was at school and we made them - we had to pull the uncooked insides out before we put cream in them.I have stopped having them when out to eat because the "goo" seems to be a recurring theme.
Dec 20, 8:36pm
Choux is easily frozen, but then once thawed they can be crisped up again in the oven.
Dec 20, 8:53pm
I usually make the hole on the side or top so that cream doesn't fall out the bottom.A french eclair is filled with creme patisserie which freezes quite well but I do not like the 'flattened' texture and appearance of frozen cream so when using cream I prefer to fill fresh and usually try to have them sitting around filled for as short a time as I can arrange.
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