Truffles without crush biscuits or condensed milk.
Dec 10, 7:56pm
Many years ago, way back in Intermediate, we had to make truffles.They were in no way similar to the recipes I can find here.They had icing sugar and cocoa in them and in the end were rolled in coconut, then placed in the fridge to harden.
I don't want to make any of the truffle recipes here, that involve expensive biscuits etc, I would just really appreciate it if someone can recognise the recipe I'm after and post it please.
If it helps, it was 1982 or '83.
Dec 10, 8:18pm
Ok, after doing a search, maybe they were called snowballs, but I don't remember them having weetbix or condensed milk in them, so maybe this will ring a bell for someone.
Dec 10, 8:22pm
Have you looked at the one in the Edmonds book!I think that is the one your after.
Dec 10, 8:22pm
125g softened butter, 2 cups icing sugar, 3 Tbsp cocoa, 1/2 tsp essence. Mix well together. Shape into balls, roll in coconut or chocolate dip them.
Dec 10, 8:25pm
TRUFFLES Melt 1/4 lb butter. Pour over already mixed 1/2lb icing sugar, 2oz coconut, 2tabsp cocoa and 1 cup sultanas-opt. Roll into balls, roll in coconut and into fridge. The recipe said "2oz" coconut and I was never sure if this was what was needed to roll them in-I put into mixture and coatedin some extra. Enjoy.
150 grams good quality dark semi-sweet chocolate 100 grams of room temperature butter, cubed 1 egg yolk 1 tsp of honey Unsweetened cocoa powder for dusting Finely chopped nuts like pistachios, almonds or hazelnuts (optional)
Dec 10, 9:23pm
Thanks everyone, a few variances to try!
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