you stillcantmakebutterfrommilkitisthecreamoff thetopofmilkasitsaysonthatsiteletsettlethentakecreamoffwheredoesitsaybeatthemilk
Dec 7, 1:39am
Yes you can, you make butter from milk. You start by extracting the cream component of the milk. The milk is the starting ingredient, you extract what you need. Cream is part of milk.
Dec 7, 3:26am
wellthenexttimei wanttomakebutterthennoneedtoseperateWilljustbeatmilkandcreamstraightfrom the cowwontbepurebutterthen
Dec 7, 11:44am
Why are there so many dumb people around! This is the age of the internet. I have no idea how you can get to adulthood and not know simple things like butter comes from cream anyway, but everyone has a computer these days and can GOOGLE.
Dec 7, 11:51am's called EGO. You will always get those that just cant help themselves. Some just dont get the old saying of putting ones brain in gear before opening ones mouth and the last post above this is case in point. The Mad Milly kits are usually available at Binn Inn stores for those of you who are keen. Hope that you can wade through all the negativity #1 and get all the answers you were after!
Dec 7, 12:58pm
My god it's like beating your head against a brick wall! Op wanted to know how to make butter with the raw, whole milk she get from the vat! You start with milk. How is this so hard to understand!
Dec 7, 12:59pm
Cream comes from milk therefor so does butter. You have no idea what other people's circumstances are, how can you be so judgmental!
Dec 7, 2:13pm
The one thing opened most often by mistake is the mouth
Dec 7, 2:42pm
If Id known the bad responses i was goin to get i wouldnt have asked! but thankyou so much to the helpful people, im well aware i could have googled it but thought maybe would be better to get ideas from people that had tried and tested methods and maybe a few different tips. talked to the farmer he gave me 3L of milk from a jersey cow that he milked straight into a bucket for me (this man is a legend!) fat content must have been pretty high as it didnt take long before i had butter! Thankyou again to everyone for your help :)
Dec 7, 2:49pm
Why! Just read it all and discard what doesn't work or is unhelpful and take the helpful hints on board. Why would you get intimidated by people you do not even know! Or do not even know you. I read that so often on these boards - why would you worry what people write! Switch off the computer and they are all gone LOL :)
How does the butter taste! Are you happy with it!
Dec 7, 3:21pm
Except for the possibility of listeriosis. best not to consume unpasteurised milk until after you deliver. Why risk your baby's health!
Dec 7, 3:55pm
When you switch off your computer,the nasty people might be gone but their nastiness lingers on.It's a human response to feel upset by rude and thoughtless people when you ask a perfectly legitimate question.
It's much less 'what' the rude replies said, more 'how' they were said.Everyone can accept another opinion.Who appreciates an arrogant put-down!
Dec 7, 6:56pm
Your absolutley right! bein pregnant im avoiding unpasturised milk products i didnt taste the butter but my husband tells me its good! haha i can see y butter is so expensive tho, it took alot of milk for not alot of butter, very satisfyin tho to make something like that from scratch :)
Dec 7, 6:56pm
On what planet is general knowledge a measure of intelligence! And everyone does not have a computer. I bet around 80% of the worlds population does not own a computer.
Dec 7, 7:01pm
Good on you charliesangel at least you tried and there is no better feeling than achieving things especially when you have made them from scratch and know what is in it
OK. OP has 1 bucket of milk a dairy farmer has given her. This is whole milk. Are you seriously saying that she cannot make butter from this! Of course, you have to extract the cream as one of the first steps of the process. Butter is still made from milk! Milk is the original, raw product that is processed (ie, left to stand, thick layer removed and beaten etc etc).
OP wanted to know how to make butter from a raw product. Milk. Which you do make butter from, you just have to remove the components you want to work with.
Dec 7, 8:40pm
ooh you lucky thing! Jersey cream is so gorgeous and thick and that beautiful yellow color! How did you butter come out! did you age the cream first!
Dec 7, 9:31pm
I'm glad you recognise this fact elli because often after my computer is switched off I think about all the nastiness you have delivered in my direction and wonder what is wrong with you and how I could help you to get help. However, uli is correct. Why worry about what total strangers are posting!
Dec 7, 9:39pm
Your new baby is very lucky to have a mum prepared to give something new a go - and a dad who appreciates her efforts ;)
Dec 8, 1:38am
Who talked about dad here! it was about butter as far as I can read.
Dec 8, 4:15am
charliesangel04's 'husband' - the father of her baby-on-the-way, who appreciates his wife's home-made butter.
uli, why oh why do you have to turn this into an inquisition!
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