store bought cream?Was curious as to what weight of butter you would get from a 500ml bottle of cream.I am guessing it wouldn't be a lot and before I give it a go thought that someone may already have tried it and would know the answer.And have you then used it in baking?
Jun 21, 8:42am
TRied that with the brownies. Then they put it on bread buns they had made themselves. (Sorry doesn't answer your question though,)
Jun 21, 8:55am
Make it and document your findings. We would all like to know I am sure.
I have made lbs and lbs of butter from whipping cream that had too much water left in, years ago. The cream would turn to butter before thickening. It made a huge soccer ball of butter.
Jun 21, 3:35pm
yes,, i have made butter lots of times when someone was not watching the cream whisking.. once cream is over whiskedthe water seperates out of the cream so you have to tip the water off the cream.. then you change whisk to a paddle and add salt.. the whole process only takes a few minutes...
Jun 21, 7:45pm
Yield: About half as much butter as the amount of cream you started with.
So unless you get free cream it's not economical.
Jun 21, 8:06pm
you'll get just over 200g, not worth it if paying grocery shop prices
Jun 21, 8:57pm
I tried it too and was disappointed with the tiny amount of butter that came from it.
Different people have different ideas on time though, I thought it took way too long by the time I beat it to butter then washed it over and over to get rid of the water. The end result was rationed to topping scones as it was a much nicer flavour than the rancid yellow stuff from the shop.
Jun 21, 9:29pm
500mls gave me one of those half size margarine containers-375 grm. Also got the buttermilk.It was popular and nearly all done with hand held electric beater.I thought it would be fun to do with Grandies but in the end they did other things and I showed them the stages. Beat till you can beat no more, usewooden or heavy plastic spoon, put the lump together and work out buttermilk, getting all you can. Pour off and save buttermilk for cooking. Wash butter with cold water a few times till water remains clear. Spread out butter, make sort of holes and sprinkle with salt(optional).I think for that ammount I used less than a level teasp. of salt -can't remember but a little then taste.Work salt through and hey presto you have butter.
Jun 22, 7:21am
store bought cream!Was curious as to what weight of butter you would get from a 500ml bottle of cream.I am guessing it wouldn't be a lot and before I give it a go thought that someone may already have tried it and would know the answer.And have you then used it in baking!
Jun 22, 8:42am
TRied that with the brownies. Then they put it on bread buns they had made themselves. (Sorry doesn't answer your question though,)
Jun 22, 3:35pm
yes,, i have made butter lots of times when someone was not watching the cream whisking. once cream is over whiskedthe water seperates out of the cream so you have to tip the water off the cream. then you change whisk to a paddle and add salt. the whole process only takes a few minutes.
Jun 22, 7:45pm
Yield: About half as much butter as the amount of cream you started with.
So unless you get free cream it's not economical.
Jun 22, 8:06pm
you'll get just over 200g, not worth it if paying grocery shop prices
Oct 30, 7:46am
500mls gave me one of those half size margarine containers-375 grm. Also got the buttermilk.It was popular and nearly all done with hand held electric beater.I thought it would be fun to do with Grandies but in the end they did other things and I showed them the stages. Beat till you can beat no more, usewooden or heavy plastic spoon, put the lump together and work out buttermilk, getting all you can. Pour off and save buttermilk for cooking. Wash butter with cold water a few times till water remains clear. Spread out butter, make sort of holes and sprinkle with salt(optional).I think for that ammount I used less than a level teasp. of salt -can't remember but a little then taste.Work salt through and hey presto you have butter.
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