what kind od food do you like to order from the cabinet in a nice modern cafe.sweet or savoury
Nov 30, 12:25am
It depends.If it's lunchtime, most likely something savoury and something sweet - usually we'd have a savoury item each and then share the one sweet item. Any other time it really depends on what's available and how hungry we are - again, we'd most likely share the one item - mainly because most things seem to be so big.If I'm on my own at lunchtime I opt for savoury only. :-))
Nov 30, 12:31am
thanks but what are some favourites.what you always order if it was there
Nov 30, 12:43am
Filo cases.don't care what the filling.Real home-made baking e.g. scones, peppermint slice. caramel slice.
Nov 30, 12:44am
Savoury - panini, indidivual or wedge of quiche or savoury tart (particular favourites of mine are caramelised onion and blue cheese, and smoked salmon and.), individual or wedge of frittata, wedge of tortilla stack, muffin.
Sweet - my favourite Caramel Slice, DH enjoys carrot cake.:-))
Nov 30, 12:50am
I so wish there were cafes that catered for people who don't eat bread of any description.Just real food.A roast chicken and salad, chicken salad etc.More protein less carbs.Being on a low carb type diet and with food allergies it is difficult to go anywhere where the food is acceptable to me.
Nov 30, 12:51am
Smoked salmon quiche with a salad would be my fav, has to have creme cheese in there too :) Also love a vegie quiche. Hardly ever order anything sweet, the BF would go for a mud cake with cream and berrys.
Nov 30, 2:16am
It's hard I know.We go out for dinner occasionally, but rarely eat out for any other meal unless we're travelling.It's easier to find healthy food at high end restaurants, but that can be expensive. When travelling, breakfast is the hardest meal to find in a low carb or paleo way, so we usually rent apartments and cook our own.At a pinch you can always find eggs and boil them.Otherwise we look for a steak house or a kebab or satay joint and simply ignore whatever bread, rice, noodles or potatoes that come with the meals.
Nov 30, 2:43pm
I find most cafe food portions too large and usually end up with just coffee and a biscuit from the jar.There are a couple of cafes I know of that get it right (and are always busy) and I make a beeline when I'm in their area.This is prob old fashioned but I really like club sandwiches and for sweet jammy/berry/lemony gooey slices.
Nov 30, 3:33pm
I always select something which does not look as though it is covered in oil or mayonnaise.One thing which does annoy me is paying $4 for a side salad which often consists of two lettuce leaves and a slice of tomato!
Nov 30, 4:09pm
I order steak and salad or fish and salad or any seafood that is NOT coming from frozen foods wholesaler, and which is NOT covered in crumbs and deep fried.
If there are burgers like a steak burger I ask to have the contents of the burger without the bun and placed on a fresh salad.
What is missing here in NZ are tapas - little plates with interesting edibles: meat balls, fried egg plant slices, potato omelet wedges, fish salad, mussels, cheese and olives etc etc. They make a lovely lunch and one can order as many as one likes - so can have a big meal or a small one.
What is also missing are fresh salads - mostly what is called a salad in a cafe here is a stodgy mix of cooked beans, or pasta, or rice or kumara. Yes they will keep longer than a green salad, but I would much rather have the option to have a fresh salad with my meals.
Where are you opening your cafe!
Nov 30, 4:20pm
My problem with eating out is you never know what is hiding in something.The burger probably has msg in it, the salads from the supermarket have revolting dressings on them with questionable ingredients.I soon know with my daughter whether it is 'real food' or not, she will break out in a rash and feel sick with 'fake food'.I have to take food with me whenever we go out and it can get frustrating for the rest of the family who so want a treat.We have eaten out occasionally and we'll order fish and salad, no dressing, I'll take a dressing with me in my bag.But the problem is I'll say hold the fries, no whatever, and what comes out is not filling.Cafes need to cater for us with more protein and 'clean' 'real' food.
Nov 30, 6:58pm
This is why I ever only order the steak burger - I wouldn't want one of those frozen patties :) And green salad leaves plus tomato, cucumber and onions, not the "deli" version (a complete misnomer that!).
Nov 30, 8:17pm
I hear you vmax that is why I never eat out. very reluctantly I might buy a scone, knowing its out of the Bakels mix.
Nov 30, 9:17pm
Some do. :-)All our cakes are made from scratch at the premises. I think the only thing we order in pre-made, is hashbrowns for the fryup brekkies.Breads are made fresh each morning, likewise with scones, muffins, brioche, sammies, turkishes, salads, aioli, dressings etc.
We cater for gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian and sometimes a combination of all three.Nut and seed allergies can also pose an issue, so we offer a range of goodies there too.
I know what goes into all the meals as I make them so if ever in doubt or you have any questions, DO ASK the staff.I know I'm happy to answer any questions.
Nov 30, 9:30pm
Do you make your own Hollandaise Sauce nz199!I have almost given up ordering Eggs Benedict because even the more ambitious cafes are serving a horrible industrial version made from seed oil and goodness knows what else.If you do make it yourselves I'll be first in line at your cafe the next time we're in Tauranga.
Dec 1, 12:57am
nz199, Mint Slice recipe looks good.Do you have the recipe to share by any chance!
Dec 1, 3:40am
Wow, you sound fantastic!Since I became gluten and lactose intolerant a few years back I find going to cafes such a depressing experience.Most have nothing at all I can eat, and some (usually foreign) staff don't even know what gluten-free means!Where is your cafe!I'd love to come and visit!
Dec 1, 4:55pm
Well, that has solved a mystery. Last time I ordered Eggs Benedict I could not work out what was different about the sauce and decided it must be my ageing tastebuds.
Dec 1, 5:04pm
The first time I struck fake Hollandaise I felt the same and asked how it had been made.The very nice waitress brought me out the plastic sachet to show me.The ingredients were something like (can't remember properly as this was years ago) canola oil, acetic acid, sugar, salt and colouring.No wonder it tasted so awful
Dec 1, 5:06pm
Yikes !
Dec 1, 6:18pm
I do eat bread but since I'm doing WW I prefer not to as (a) it uses too many precious points and (b) I prefer not to eat so much "stodge" in the middle of the day - would love a really good chicken salad with lots of fresh ingredients and the dressing served on the side rather than smothering it, or really good roast vegetables (not just potato, kumara and pumpkin) with lots of flavour and maybe some feta for the protein element
Dec 1, 7:16pm
Did you notice that OP didn't come back - maybe we are demanding too much real food!
Dec 1, 7:19pm
LOL - no I didn't but you could be right - I hate going into a cafe and looking at the food that's either been sitting in the cabinet all day and now looks sad and dried up, or is on the menu but has loads of carbs which I'm trying to reduce .It's bad enough that my coffee uses 2 WW points, I don't want to waste the rest on bread or other carbs that aren't particularly fresh or tasty
Dec 1, 7:22pm
I think we might have hijacked the thread - perhaps the OP simply wanted to know if we preferred sausage rolls or lamingtons.
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