Just wondering how cafes/coffee shops cook the chicken to be used in sandwiches/rolls.Thanks
Apr 25, 3:13am
when I worked in a cafe, we boiled them...
Apr 25, 3:48am
Same here - then we shredded it.The skin bits all went into a food processor till they were finely chopped then mixed back into the chicken.It was so very, very moist - certainly not fat free - but it was a sure seller.We went through 3 chickens a day.
Apr 25, 4:11am
So would you boil the whole chicken bones and all, chicken pieces or breast?
Apr 25, 7:25am
We sold rotisserie chickens, what did not sell got ripped up stuffing and all, we added water to help it all stick to the bread.
Apr 25, 7:51am
When I worked in a cafe we would roast the chickens, when cool take all the chicken off, air tight container in the fridge. Use to do a chicken every couple of days.
Apr 25, 1:53pm
we would boil the chickens, pull away from chicken to have fine pieces, then lightly fry in a little chicken stock and water( if using powdered stock) and s&p this was when i worked for kambodians, otherwise yes either roasted or boiled cooled shredded and refridgerated for max of two days, thats the shelf life of a cooked shredded chicken
Apr 25, 2:25pm
we boned out chickens,they are tied in a net (like roast beef sometimes are) roasted then when cold sliced on a slicer
Apr 25, 2:26pm
Whole chickens - bones and all.
Apr 25, 3:05pm
I worked at one once. He boiled them all, then let them sit in the pot till cold then mixed the lot up into pieces, fat, skin, meat. Never ate there ever again.
Apr 25, 6:36pm
gosh im suddenly NOT hungry haha
Apr 25, 8:25pm
Put a piece of chicken breast on a grill (eg george forman) then let it cool, then you can slice it into nice slices like you see in cafes
Apr 25, 8:25pm
We use to roast them normally but add water into the oven dish plus a little bit of lemon peel, very nice and everyone loved the sandwiches that had chicken meat in them.
Apr 26, 6:12am
we used to cook up to 15 chickens a day in our busiest unit,we had a rotiseerie style oven. Other cafe's I worked for simply boiled them, but we always skinned the boiled ones.
Apr 28, 2:00am
well I'm not a chef but tried & true homemaker! Used chopped cooked chicken & cream cheese, put in food processor & whizzed until a thick creamy texture.
Apr 28, 3:51am
How long to cook a chicken by boiling?
Aug 24, 5:48pm
Boil chicken in water with a tsp of salt, peppercorns and a sliced onion.. for about 75 mins .. Leave in water for another 15 mins.. remove from warm water and remove skin and save.. let whole bird rest,covered in foil for 10 mins and then break up ensuring no bones and place in a blender.. save bones for stock.. par fry the skin in dry fry pan.. not too long or it will all shrink away :}lol ( this gives a nice flavour and leaves some fat in the final mix) add mayo and a pinch or two of curry powder, white pepper and salt.. now pulse a couple of times to desired size. (not too much,less is best )..TASTE it.. and add more salt if required..
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