I have the vanilla pods and the jars but just wondering if one type of vodka is better than the others. anyone know!Otherwise I'll just go for what's on sale. thanks.
Nov 15, 8:43pm
it doesn't really matter.I use cooking brandy.
Nov 15, 11:57pm
Broken Shed vodka, made in Wanaka. That's the most gorgeous vodka I have tasted and the bottle is a work of art!
Nov 16, 1:43am
Any vodka or similar (like Silver rum) is suitable as the vanilla is quite strong and will be the dominate flavour - the alcohol is lost in the cooking and it's purpose is to infuse the flavour and oils. Perhaps it might be time to start looking at distilling your own "neutral" for a cost of around $2 a litre as opposed to $30 a litre for Vodka ! Make your own Limoncello etc
Nov 16, 1:49am
Nonsense - they are using Whey Spirit - distilled dairy waste - adding water then doing some b/s filtering and passing it off as "quality" Vodka - the same Industrial Spirit is used to make vinegar LOL
Nov 16, 11:35am
Um - I'veconvertedhundreds ( possibly thousands) of people into making their own extract via Trademe -grain ethyl alcohol(vodka) seems to work best - but I've also made it withdairy industry ethyl alcohol and it is fine.
Nov 16, 1:32pm
l followed willyow's way of making vanilla and it is lovely and l won't go back to the other stuff l used absolut vodka 80% proof and like it, my friend used brandy and was happy with that
Nov 16, 1:38pm
Holy heck I use 40% as I thought that's all it went too, I need to get out more:-)
Nov 17, 1:46pm
40% alcohol by volume = approx 80 proof.
Nov 17, 2:37pm
I'll be getting some vanilla beans in the shopping today to make my own vanilla extract. I just goggled what to do and it said 3 pods per cup of vodka. Is that what you use! Also it said to split the pods but it didn't say whether you remove the seeds or leave them in.Hopefully I can buy some nice little glass jars/bottles as these would make lovely additions to the christmas parcels i'm doing up.
Nov 17, 2:55pm
Depends on the vanilla pods - if they're the dried out little ones from the supermarket - 3 - if they're the ones you get on trademe - 2.
Nov 17, 4:55pm
So what! Read my post again. I said it was the best vodka I had tasted. I don't profess to be an expert about exactly HOW it's made or from what. It's winning awards internationally so apparently a few of us like it. And the bottle is a work of art. So there.
Nov 17, 6:44pm
I use 40% vodka.
Nov 17, 7:56pm
I use all of the beans I buy off a trader on here, 10 I think and last time I bought Skyy vodka which is 40% alc/vol, 1000mls.I sliced all the beans and scraped majority of seeds and put into bottle with the beans.I added little sugar as per recommendation of this trader and now the bottle has been sitting in a dark cupboard since mid Sept, the bottle is a lovely blue colour I bought another vodka and did the same with beans and then just topped up with more vodka. I have been making my own for years.I am not a fan of artificial things that is consumed by body anymore. The little bottles that you buy brandy in make gifts filled with vanilla extract.
Nov 18, 1:27am
Thanks malcovy. The worst part will be waiting a couple of months before I can use it.
Nov 18, 1:42am
Instead of vodka you can also stuff it into a few jars with icing sugar or very fine sugar.
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