Any suggestions for a nice sauce to go with poached salmon! I want to try something a bit different to what I would normally do for a dinner party but not sure what would work. I was thinking maybe a garlic dill creamy sauce. Is there anything that I should avoid! I don't usually cook eat salmon so any suggestions would be appreciated.
Nov 9, 7:50am
bumping for any suggestions.
Nov 9, 8:29am
This is a lovely cold sauce for all kinds of fish, especially salmon.
Honey, mustard and dill dressing
100g honey 100g Dijon mustard 100ml white wine vinegar 350ml olive oil 1 tbsp chopped dill salt and pepper to taste
Mix together the honey, mustard and vinegar and whisk in the oil, gradually, until the sauce emulsifies. Add the chopped dill, salt and pepper.
Nov 9, 7:28pm
This sauce goes well with most types of fish.
Lime Cream with Chives
150 ml cream Juice of 2 limes Salt, pepper and cayenne A few chives finely chopped
Warm up the creamand slowly add the lime juice whisking all the time. The cream should thicken quite rapidly. Season to taste then add the chives. Chill but bring to room temperature before using.
Nov 9, 8:53pm
Poached Salmon Cutlets, very simple and takes very little time.
1/4 cup fresh finely chopped parsley 1 1/2 cups fish stock 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper pinch of ground nutmeg 1/2 cup dry white wine 2 spring onions finely chopped 4 salmon cutlets - tail end and 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley extra to sprinkle over dish when serving.
Combine fish stock, salt, pepper, nutmeg, wine and spring onions in a shallow pan, bring slowly to the boil and boil for only 1 minute. Place salmon into the stock in one layer, simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. Remove salmon to serving plates with slotted spoon and keep warm. Boil the stock for another minute, add parsley.
Spoon over salmon and serve with extra parsley.
Nov 9, 9:57pm
This might sound too simple but we really just like poached eggs with salmon.
Nov 9, 10:05pm
If I was reading off a menu,the honey, mustard and dill option is working for me so far. Sounds as though it would work really well. Yummy!
Nov 9, 11:16pm
Prenzels Citrus Vinaigrette!
Nov 10, 4:37am
Hollandaise Sauce (Quick) 150gms butter 2 tbsp lemon juice 3 egg yolks pinch castor sugar 1/2 tsp each salt and white pepper In separate cups, melt the butter and heat the lemon juice,(hot not boiling) place egg yolks and seasonings into a bowl or food processor. TURN on the processer or stick blender and add hot lemon juice and then slowly add melted butter. Keep processor going for a minute after mixed. I have a small bowl attachment on my processer which I use.
Posted by - geldof (55)5:16 pm, Tue 21 Dec #18
Fantastic with poached or steamed salmon and so easy to make. If you have any fresh dill then a hint of that sprinkled on the sauce would be a fine addition.
Nov 10, 4:42am
damn, have you eaten it yet!I was a-gonna mosey on round and do the taste test for you.
Nov 10, 4:44am
Hollandaise is a great sauce for Salmon, adds a nice tang to it, make homemade though. it is superb with Salmon
Nov 10, 7:35am
Thank you all so much for the all of the yummy suggestions! I can't wait to try them. Now for the big decision to decide which one to do first. You guys are great!
Dec 27, 8:46am
Greek yoghurt or sour cream mixed with horseradish, lemon juice and dill, either fresh or dried - yummy and very easy - don't ask for the quantities though because I just add 'til it tastes right!
Dec 27, 8:55am
I made up davidt's honey, dijon and dill and it was very yummy thank you!
Dec 27, 8:56am
and we had it on Christmas day with salmon. Thanks David.
Dec 27, 9:44am
Thanks for the feedback didi37.I'm glad you enjoyed the sauce.
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