2 big hams for that many.whole cooked legs on the bone
Dec 5, 3:04am
For the non meat eaters - get a great fish like monk fish - I used 4 large fillets (straight from the loacl trawler)for 50 people as there was all the meat as well. Paper towel dry, roll in Morrocan rub, wrap in oiled foil - sealing well. Place on the BBQ and bake for approx 20 mins. This was so popular it was gone from the platter in minutes! They all wanted more :-)
Dec 5, 3:21am
If space in fridge is problem use ziplock bags for salads and you get way more in fridge that way. Daughter ex chef uses this method all time and wander at time how much more she can drag outta of the fridge.
Mar 21, 12:53pm
Hi thereTook my ICND2 today and scored 917. I Used CBTnuggets Wendel Odem exam guide 2nd ed. Then this wkeeend spent time with p4s 2.77It works. Thanks. But here is a tip for real life people Do the work first with Your Videos and Books then finish it off with p4s.Thanks againRegardsCisco
Mar 22, 2:35am
Liz, I am a former coewrkor of Sara Fransen. She has spoken of you often .She has great admiration for you and your ability to face up to anything this world throws at you. I would like to tell you I'll be praying for you on Monday morning. I have very positive feelings everything will work out for you and your family. Your in my prayers,Benadene
Mar 23, 10:13pm
This land and country was _given_ to us (and preolvusiy given to the Nephites/Lamanites, and before them, to the Jaredites) by the Lord.The country of the United States, and the land upon which it sits, is a temporal gift from the Lord, and one that made possible a multitude of spiritual gifts too, as the land and country have been an incubator for the restoration of the gospel.It is NOT improper for citizens of this country to be publicly thankful for the Lord's gifts, even temporal ones, even in church. Then United States is essentially a gentile nation, and even most members of the modern church are gentiles (who have been _adopted_ into the House of Israel.)This country of the United States has played, and is yet to play, a significant role in the salvation of the remnant of the seed of Joseph and of the entire House of Israel. This gentile nation is to be nursing fathers and nursing mothers to the house of Israel.We ought to be very thankful for that role, as a country, and as a people. And we ought to be thankful that this country is a rich and powerful country with the means to accomplish that task, and not be ashamed in any way.Yes, God the Father, Christ, the gospel, and the restoration of the gospel should be the primary focus of sacrament meetings. But mentioning the country and people of the USA are not out of bounds, if kept in perspective to the primary things, and as long as the source the blessings is acknowledged.If this country, as a whole, turns from God (and we are on that road), then Jeremiah Wright will be correct, and God will damn this country, just as it is promised in the Book of Mormon. If the people of the land serve God, the land will be blessed, and if the people, as a whole, do not serve God on this land, the land will be cursed. That promise is repeated multiple times in the Book of Mormon.
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