Help, why oh why, do I drink at committee meetings? I am now paying for my sins by having to organise morning tea, lunch and afternoon teas for about 80 people. My total cooking equipment on site are a four burner gas hob and a bbq. I will be supplied with cold lamb and mutton roasts. Any good ideas out there what to do (apart from stop drinking at meetings)I was thinking even along the lines of a curry and rice.
Apr 7, 8:52pm
What kind of meeting is it? ? ? This is what I would do.
For morning tea Day 1: scones and jam... Day 2: muffins
Lunch Day 1: filled rolls, gourmet fillings if they budget allowed. a piece of slice and a bowl of fruit. Day 2: BBQ - depending on the budget, gourmet bbq food, with salads, and a fruit bowl. Or, soup and rolls; and slice and fruit. Since you only have a four burner hob, organise to borrow six crockpots and put hot soup in to the crockpots to keep them warm. Make your soup now, and freeze. To make it easier at the time.
Afternoon Tea: Day 1: chocolate cake and lemon cake. Again, these can me made in advance and frozen. Refill the fruit bowl Day 2: banana cake and XXXXXX (check out your recipe book). Refill the fruit bowl.
Check with the organisers that they will need afternoon tea on the last day. The meetings I go to often are schedule to finish an hour earlier (to let people travel home) and then they decide to work through afternoon tea and leave another 1/2 hour earlier.
Apr 7, 8:53pm
If you want to do curry and rice; borrow some rice cookers (or even buy some - Briscoes $30 each); And borrow some crockpots to keep the curry hot. If that doesn't work, then look at hiring some bain maires
Apr 7, 9:39pm
That's a great answer duckmoon! Sounds good.
Apr 7, 10:15pm
I agree Lulu. . Duckmoon's suggestions will be easy to organise and will meet the tastes of most people. . maybe have something for the rolls and bbq that will suit vegetarian preferences. .
I always look for water too - maybe a filter machine or carafe's in a fridge so there's chilled water available throughout the day.
Apr 8, 6:03am
It is amazing how you can jazz things up for next to no cost... Like chillled water in a carafe... Or chillled water with a slice of lemon...
Lunches on a trestle table, or lunches on a trestle with table cloth and put a pot plant in the middle...
Depending on the style of meeting, it doesn't take much to step it up one notch.
Apr 8, 6:05am
Also, one time, I catered for 130 people; we knew that the room we had was going to be too small for that number.
So every lunch was put on in a paper bag. They were all basically the same; different filled rolls though - I wrote the name of the roll on the bag (ham roll , vege roll , salmon bagel, chicken roll etc). And it had everything people needed (juice, cake, fruit, roll) in the bag... If they wanted a cup of tea/coffee, that was served after every one had got their paper bag lunch, and most people had gone to sit on the grass outside.
Apr 8, 6:21am
duckmoon, are you still about? I'm hoping you can find your pear/ginger recipe for me?
Apr 8, 6:39am
Hi, I haven't forgotten... but haven't acted either... Will try tomorrow...
Apr 11, 5:29am
Hey ellie. . I haven't found the recipe I used - I hope that I wrote it down. But this was my process... Find a recipe for pear jam... Use that, but with tinned not frest fruit- add a packet of Pectin (followed the directions on the pack)- and add chopped crystalised ginger...
Sorry, it is a bit vague...
Apr 11, 5:30am
We seem to have lost our original poster...
Apr 11, 5:41am
Maybe stilll drinking and now not sure how to work a keyboars lol
Apr 11, 5:43am
Oops 'keyboard'
Feb 12, 12:19am
LOL... who is drinking!
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