When I roast chicken I end up with alot of liquid coming off it. I don't make gravy with it at present as I don't have a special jug or ladle to remove the fat.Last night I poured it into a small bowl and just as I thought I have just removed a thick layer (3mm) of white fat. I am now left with a jelly that seems to be too good to waste.Apart from putting it into a soup base, could I used it as say a flavour base for something like couscous do you think! As usually chicken stock has vegies in it as well.
Sorry if it sounds pretty obvious but any "nice" ideas or comments welcome. (Please don't comment on my choice to "ditch" the white fat - thats my personal choice - I just don't like it)
Oct 15, 2:00pm
You could put it with rice- so I guess couscous would be the same idea. I always pour off any juices - they are very handy - and I always ditch the fat. Whenever I cook a roast or even chicken drumsticks I roughly chop an onion, a carrot and celery in the pan. Then the juices are incredible. Used for soups, stocks, in rice risotto, gravy - or even just on bread for a quick lunch!
Oct 15, 2:01pm
My choice, I wouldn't. Interesting to see what others would do.
Oct 15, 2:18pm
It is awesome stock - pop it into the freezer until you need some - yep, fine for couscous.
To make a gravy from it - tip it out from pan to cool slightly (10 mins) then pop it into a plastic bag, holding it so liquid goes into one corner of the bag.Wait until the fat settles - about a minute) and then poke a hole with a knife into the bottom.Let all the good stuff run out and then pinch the bag closed with your fingers to stop the fat.I just let it set in the bag until it solidifies then pop it in the bin - and youhave your wonderful gravy juices.
Oct 15, 2:20pm
How do you make gravy if you don't Use meat juices, Jessie!
Oct 15, 2:35pm
Tilt the roasting dish and scoop the fat off with a large spoon, you don't need a whole lot of fancy gadgets to do that.Then make your gravy taking care to scrape all the browned residue from the sides of the pan into your juices.It would be very good with couscous or rice, and also can be frozen for later use.
Oct 15, 3:24pm
I use it for stock too gardie
Oct 15, 4:21pm
It is stock already.
Oct 15, 5:44pm
I always freeze it.We prefer mac cheese sauce made with part stock and part milk and I do the same with scalloped potatoes.Add a spponful to stirfried veg,cook ricein it for fried rice,etc. Sometimes the fat doesn't set solid very rapidly so I usually freeze with the fat on then lift off the solid fat layer before I use it.
Oct 15, 5:50pm
That is stock. Any juice that comes from cooking meat is stock. Stock can also be 'manufactured' at home by roasting (not absolutely necessary) then boiling bones with vegetables and vegetable scraps - celery tops, old carrots, garlic, onion, leek tops, spring onion greens, herbs, capsicum scraps, etc and salt and pepper then sieving and reserving the liquid.
Oct 15, 6:06pm
I always collect the juices from anything I cook and then use it for making soup.Nothing goes to waste in my house.I also always use the fat that comes with it.It makes such yummy soup.So much better than powdered stock and so much better for you.
Oct 15, 6:34pm
Sadly, can't make gravy or white sauce so it's Maggi for us.
Oct 15, 7:44pm
You should learn - it really is easy. And much tastier!
Oct 15, 7:45pm
that is chicken stock
Oct 24, 3:12am
Icook my roast (any meat - chicken, beef etc) in a bag to collect the juices.When finishedcooking save juices into a small bowl and put in fridge overnight.Next day take off fat layer and throw out.Put the jellied stock mix in a container in freezer.Next time I do a roast I then use this to make the gravy out of.
Yummy, fat free, and easy.
Oct 25, 1:12am
I had the best tasting peas at a friends house and I asked what was in them to make them taste so good and they said it was that jelly from the chicken yum
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