some as I just happened to be near a New World (and there isn't one where I live).I was amazed at what happened.Here's roughly how the conversation progressed between me and the butcher.(I went to the butcher's counter rather than the pre-packaged stuff in the chiller)
Butcher: good morning madam, how can we help!
Me: I'd like approx 3kg of that rump steak, done up in roughly 1kg lots, thank you.
Butcher: it's available pre-packaged in the chilled meat section.
Me:I know, but I'd like it from here, thank you.
Butcher: Why!
Me: because I don't want it packaged on those awful polystyrene trays, which stink, taint the meat and have to go in the landfill and I have to pay for all the rubbish I dump.
Butcher: But it's the same meat!
Me:I know, but I don't want it packaged on those polystyrene trays, I just want it wrapped.
Butcher: Why!
Me: Because I don't like the polystyrene trays.
Butcher: So you'd like 3kg in one package.
Me: No, I'd like roughly 3kg, in roughly 1kg packages, so 3 of them.Thank you.
Talk about drawing teeth.
When he'd done the first one he said "would you like it wrapped in paper as well as the plastic bag!"I said, just the plastic bag would be fine.
When he'd finally got my roughly 3kg done up in roughly 1kg lots, he said "there you are".I said "thank you, it wasn't that difficult was it - and (in a whisper) aren't you pleased you served me and not the old bloke alongside me! (he was arguing that he was being overcharged because he was buying a tiny piece of fillet steak and reckoned it was too dear).The butcher said "he's the same every week!"
Oct 20, 7:59am
its amazing how they have no idea what customer service is these day aye!
Oct 20, 8:42am
But its the same meat.
Oct 20, 8:54am
Good for you Kuaka. Sadly, New World is the only walking distance supermarket for me. Local butcher is too expensive. Driving distance is Countdown formerly Foodmarket & further afield is Pak'Save. Like most Seniors I buy 'reduced' to make ends meet. p.s.Go AB's
Oct 20, 8:55am
I know it's the same meat, but why should I have to have it packaged on those bloody awful polystyrene trays which have to go to the landfill, and which I have to pay to dump because even though we pay a small fortune in rates to the local council, we still have to pay to get rid of our rubbish.It's not good for the environment, and most of the trays stink, so they must taint the meat.
I know when I buy rump steak on polystyrene trays, the cat won't eat it unless I've rinsed it under the tap.Today, she didn't hesitate.
Oct 20, 9:11am
lucky cat- rumpsteak for dinner
Oct 20, 10:58am
Believe me, that works out cheaper than the little cans of jellimeat which are $1.25 to $1.50 for an 85g tin!
Oct 20, 6:44pm
Good on you for avoiding the trays like the plague, I do it as well, maybe one day they will get the message.
Oct 20, 6:56pm
What I really felt like saying was "if you don't want to sell the meat here in the butchery department, why on earth have it!"
Kind of reminds me a bit of the couple of times I had the misfortune of taking my poor cat to a vet who always gave the impression that the job would be alright if it wasn't for all the sick animals he had to deal with - problem was, I had no choice as he was the only vet in the very isolated place I was living at the time.
Oct 22, 10:04am
most of those ppl in the buchery section aren`t trained buchers and agree about the trays and meat tain i have a local bucher and aussie butcher that fab not far eitherhate mad butcher hes meat shop be pet food! you get what you pay for .
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