does anyone have any dairy free an soy free recipes please
Oct 8, 9:47am
If you don't have any prejudice against starting with a packet, why not make Falafel balls!'Orgran' Falafel Mix from the supermarket is gluten free, wheat free, dairy free, egg free, yeast free, soy free, nut free, vegan. and delicious!
You just add water, wait 15 minutes, form into balls or patties and fry for acouple of minutes.They're great with tasty dipping sauces.
Oct 8, 6:48pm
Easiest Chocolate Cake -No Beating, No Eggs This chocolate cake is moist, cheap and easy to make. Great for large families. 3 cups flour, 2 cups sugar, 6 tabs cocoa, 1tspn salt, 2 tspns Baking Soda, 1 tspn Vanilla, 3/4 cup Oil, 2 tabs Vinegar, 2 cups water. Mix all ingredients together and bake in oven tray or similar dish at 180 for approx 30mins. Ingredients sound weird but it is absolutely brilliant, very tasty and moist, my 10 year old makes it. again from a poster here.
. 2. Sift sugar, flour, cinnamon and powder into a large bowl.
Add sultanas, carrot, apple, coconut and walnuts.
In a separate bowl, beat together the eggs, oil and vanilla.
3. Add to the dry ingredients and fold until just combined - do not over mix.
4. Spoon into muffin pans and bake for
25 minutes or until golden brown.
Serve dusted with icing sugar.
Oct 8, 6:54pm
whay about using almond milk in baking where needed!
Jan 11, 11:25am
Your article pelrectfy shows what I needed to know, thanks!
Jan 13, 2:14pm
U vas tam pryam gastronomicheskie iizski ne huje, chem vo Francii. Ya donuts tak eshe i ne probovala, kak to ne privlekajut, hotya v Strarbucks navernoe doljni bit nichego. I eshe menya porajajut ceni, u nas kakoj-nibud jutkij sandwich prodaetsya po 6 evro(((A les huitres probovat obyazatelno, oni ni v kakoe sravnenie s midiyami ne idut, eto prosto klass, ya bez ustric uje ne predstavlyaju svoju jizn)))))U nas toje est sans gluten, no ya, chestno govorya, osobo na eto vnimanie ne obrashala, t.k. ne znala o ego effectah.A eshe u nas celie otdeli tolko productov bio, i ya starajus tam pobolshe pokupat, hotya, pravda, obichno eto doroje
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