Anyone seen these orange peelers for sale!

puppetman, Oct 7, 2:42am
Best invention since sliced bread. They peel oranges etc with ease. I miss mine from my childhood days.:)

cookessentials, Oct 7, 3:17am
I have one of the originals. Cant say I have seen them again.

datoofairy, Oct 7, 3:19am
I remember those.
They are a bit like those funny knife/spoon things that used to come with Kiwifruit.They work, but really its just quicker and easier to not use them.

puppetman, Oct 7, 3:26am
The reason I miss it from my childhood! I found one in my dads garage after he passed away. I tried it and it's SOOOOO fast and brilliant at peeling. Now the reaon I miss it! My son just broke this one.It was an accident and it was old.

gardie, Oct 7, 3:52am
Tupperware used to give them as game gifts.I've got one safely tucked away and its all I ever use on oranges.Awesome.

cookessentials, Oct 7, 3:53am
Why not just order some from Sunkist! you have to buy a minimum of 10x, but they are only a few cents each.!peid=87&pid=945556

puppetman, Oct 7, 4:15am
I went to 3 international sunkist sites and couldn't find them. Thank you!:)

puppetman, Oct 7, 4:24am
lol. thought I would order 30 and pass them on here to anyone that wanted one.$6 for the peelers.over $40US for the postage.lolSo I didn't order. Maybe see if an American friend will send them to me.

mwood, Oct 7, 4:25am
OK thanks - I found a forgotten one in the utility drawer the other day - and it was still sitting on the windowsill while I was waiting to remember what is was/for. LOL

logical-cents, Oct 8, 4:46pm
Hi puppetman, I've just had a look coz thought I had thrown mine out before we moved but still have it here - it's the same blue one from Sunkist. I don't use it and never have so if you want it I'm happy to put it in and envelope and stamp and post it off to you.

nauru, Oct 8, 4:55pm
I've seen these recently, I think it was in Palmy North Mall.There is a stall there selling Knives and peelers etc. I will have a look when I go into town this week.

elliehen, Oct 8, 4:59pm
Those kiwifruit spoon/cutter things are great for putting in to children's lunchboxes.

uli, Oct 8, 8:41pm
I know how important it is to you to call things by their "real" names ellie - so I will tell that those "things" are called a "spife" - obviously short for knife (to cut) and spoon (for eating the kiwifruit):)

samsnan, Oct 8, 8:55pm
Add to that a "Spork" a kind of spoon with prongs on the end. Very handy at picnics.

retired, Oct 8, 9:21pm
Just found three in my drawer!Must have a clear out.

elliehen, Oct 8, 10:07pm
Thank you :)Another to add to the vocabulary.

They are called 'portmanteau words'.very useful, like 'smog' - smoke+fog and 'motel' - motor+hotel.

I have another I like.'mizzle' for mist+drizzle ;)