Help with stewing apples

aka_twins, Oct 5, 9:02pm
How do you cook apples when wanting to stew them please!

punkinthefirst, Oct 5, 9:10pm
Put peeled, cored apples in a pot. Add enough water to stop them burning. (Half a cup of water to one potful of apples may be enough. You don't want them all watery, though.) Cook gently and keep an eye on them. If they need more water, add it.
If they are the old fashioned type of cooking apple they will mush down to a pulp, and may burn on the bottom if you are not careful. Stir them carefully, so as not to break them up too much.
Sweeten to taste, if you want to. If the cooked apples are a bit flavourless, a squeeze of lemon or lime juice will enhance the flavour.

socram, Oct 6, 5:28am
Spoonful of golden syrup adds flavour.Agree that proper cooking apples are best but never ever had a problem with them burning.Where do you get them though!