Rather than waste it, I used to strip the meaty bits off and put it in with the Irish Stew.I am assuming they get used for dog tucker now, as they don't arrive up to the house with the rest of the meat any more, most likely due to a different butcher.They can be stuffed rolled and roasted, but will be very fatty, I know some people would like it like that, but it's not for us.
Sep 21, 10:25pm
Put on a rack over a roasting dish. in a med oven. push a few hole through to let the fat escape. Salt first. Cook till ready. Eat cold with a bit of mint sauce. Yummy.
Sep 21, 10:34pm
Isn't that the 'cut' that caused so much controversy because it was being exported as a NZ reject to the Pacific Islands- a major contributor to obesity!
Sep 21, 10:41pm
Can't be much fattier than the ubiquitous pork belly can it!
Sep 21, 11:17pm
I remember the outrage on tv a while back about PI's & lambflaps. I also seem to recall an infamous breakfast of fanta poured over (or into) a loaf of bread. Now, if you're going to have that for Breakfast, goodness knows what for lunch & lambflaps for dinner, It's almost a given that obesity is going to be prevalent. I reckon that if they went back to their pre-colonization diet, they'd be much better off in the obesity stakes than they are now. but that's unlikely to happen ANY time soon.
Sep 21, 11:29pm
Now that makes me want to give it a go.
Sep 22, 12:48am
See on the UK cooking programs they are calling flaps, lamb breast.
Sep 22, 2:33am
Dog food.
Sep 22, 6:21pm
If you have bought one it will be probably stuffed and in a net casing.If making your own add stuffing roll up tie with string 2-3 places along the roll to hold it together. Can cook in Crockpot. Turn c/pot on to heat up put a upturned saucer or bread and butter plate in bottom to sit meat on (this keeps it up out of the fat as a lot can come out of it) Rub little oil over meat with some crushed garlic salt and pepper. Brown all over in your frying pan place in C/pot drizzle with a liittle balsamic vinegar lid on and cook. Remove, let go cold overnight take off string or casing and slice, nice in sammies with mint sauce or jelly.
Sep 22, 6:34pm
Most people told me feed the dog with them last time I asked this. But I made a curry with them on bbq-bros afvice (rogan josh) by boiling them up first, then using just the meat in the curry and it was awesome, really tender and flavourful.
Sep 22, 6:37pm
There is quite a bit of meat on them.I seem to recall another piece of waste flap from the sheep that has a few uneven cut rib bones attached at one end, probably ends after the chops cuts have been taken, those pieces of bone would be put into stew also.
Sep 22, 6:41pm
Although i'm not sure how rolling them up would work with the ones i Had, they had little bones in them, maybe there is two kinds of lamb flaps! Either way I think the curry idea would work.
Sep 22, 6:44pm
I will find out at lunchtime if there are two
Sep 22, 6:59pm
Make a bread stuffing using plenty of herbs and soaked and finely chopped apricots. Add some sausage meat. Bone out the flap(s). Spread stuffing onto flaps, roll up and secure with string. Roast in the oven, plenty of fat will come out. Serve hot with gravy but even better cold. Yumm!
Sep 22, 7:56pm
yea there's definately two types of flaps, one from the end of the chops with the bones, and the other from around the stomach area.The bones can be stripped from the flap, seperated, marinated, cooked and eaten, beautiful!A sweet meat treat, and bu**er the dogs from now on. I am talking about mutton.we never eat lamb unless one smacks into a fence and drops dead
Sep 23, 2:25pm
Granted.however same could be said about the pakeha or any other nationality too,lets not make a bad habit of pin-pointing out one particular segment of society,on observation i have noted all nationalities have their fair dose of obesity going on.however,it seems the dicipline of the chinese,japanese,koreans etc etc.in general seems to show clearly on face value.based on their exercise and eating habits
Sep 23, 2:27pm
in saying that i love lamb flaps every now and then,as mentioned above roasted so fat drips,or boil for a while,pour fat out,take bones out dices and then make a curry.mean
Sep 23, 10:08pm
I bone them out.If they are small I put two together, a small amount of stuffing then roll and tie.Cook on a rack to allow fat to drain out.Make lovely filled rolls and sandwiches with mint jelly for lunches.
Sep 23, 11:33pm
Like previous poster probably not much different from pork belly. you can find lean ones if you look
Good in the slow cooker until tender day before, put in freezer over night. Take off surplus harden fat Make a gravy from the gel that is left or just add cabbage and garlic and any other vegetables to make a tasty stew served with potatoes or rice.
they seem to be going in up in price again
Sep 23, 11:43pm
Go and have a look at what they do with them in the supermarket. They stuff and roll them. I give ours to a friend who is SA Indian because she reckons they are terrific for making curries with.
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