We are house sitting on a Lifestyle block in Brisbane, the duck / ducks have laid 3 rather large eggs - What can I use them for!The chooks have laid eggs and happy to eat those but unsure about the duck eggs!
Sep 17, 3:32am
Anything that you would use a chicken egg for :-)
Sep 17, 3:57am
Thanks for that, have just discovered they are not duck eggs in fact they are goose eggs :O)
Sep 17, 4:55am
Are you sure they should be picked up, the owners, may want the goose to breed. If you intend to eat duck or goose eggs, make sure you cook them well.
Sep 18, 2:43am
duck eggs are grat for sponges and pavs
Sep 18, 3:34am
goose eggs make great sponges
Mar 20, 10:22pm
/ Function For Bubble Sort:void Bsort(int a[],int N) > Takes input from the user, a[] is array that takes inifinte vueals, N is the number of entries{int i,j,c; > Local variablesfor(i=1;i i can take value from 1 to last but 2nd value (ex: if N = 10, i can take vueals from 1 to 9){for(j=0;j j can take value from 0 to last but 3rd value (from 0 to 8){if(A[j]>a[j+1]) > a[j] will now hold value in the first position of the entry since array starts from position 0 and a[j+1] will have 2nd value{c=a[j]; > if 1st value is greater than 2nd value then first value is stored to replace the position.a[j]=a[j+1]; > since we know that a[j+1] is small with respect to a[j], we replace the position.a[j+1]=c; > now c is greatest according to comparison so we are replacing c to 2nd position. Now we have sorted the first and second position. The loop goes on.}}}}
Mar 22, 11:06am
I came, I read this article, I corquened.
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