New recipe needed for corned silverside. Different recipe to the normal crockpot method. Must taste and look different! Its a nice cheap meal for an average to large family. Most of mine won't eat it any more.
Jul 21, 6:37am
Have you tried cooking it in Gingerbeer...A nice flavourand put all the veg in with it.Including Onions... Carrots spuds. We just love corn beef.....
Jul 21, 6:38am
Orgingerale I should of said... Ginger beer would be nice too I imagine.
Jul 21, 4:43pm
what "normal" crockpot method do you use #1?
Jul 21, 5:19pm
Crockpot with onions mustard, honey, brown sugar and mixed herbs (and stock and water). Hubby and I love it. Kids no longer do, and won't eat it. So it has to look different as well as taste yummy.
Jul 21, 6:20pm
Orange zest and juice added
Jul 21, 6:27pm
Corned beef, rinse well. Place in crock pot and add boiled water from jug till just covered. Add malt vinegar( I dont measure, I just slosh it in , but probably a couple of tabespoons, maybe a little more) soft brown sugar( 1tbsp) bay leaves 2-3 and whole cloves ( about 6) On high for about 7 hours, then low till serving time. Served with creamy mash, sauteed cabbage and carrotsand either a mustard sauce or a nice onion sauce on the side
Jul 21, 6:45pm
Maybe a different method of serving it rather than cooking it works. What about using it in another recipe afterwards, on cheese toasties, in a curry, cold with salad, in a veg casserole with cheese sauce or a tomato casserole, with smashed potatoes, stir fried with fresh veg ...
Edit spelling
Jul 21, 7:40pm
cold corned beef minced up with onion and mixed together with tomato sauce makes a lovely sandwich spread.
Jul 22, 1:37am
Someone told me about cooking it in half cococola and half water.Tried it last week and was nice. Seemed less salty
Jul 23, 1:30am
Wash blood off cornbeef. Put in Crock Pot. Cover with water. 1 tsp of white Vinigar.1 Tablespoon of Golden syrup. The Golden syrup Tenderisers the meat. It melts in your mouth.
Jul 23, 1:40am
why not cook then slice and fryto colour it?
Jul 23, 1:44am
1 Tblsp vingar and 1 Tblsp worcestershire sauce..only way I do it now.
Nov 30, 10:46am
You can roast it... I have a recipe if you would like it
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