I had these at a cafe yesterday served with satay sauce and they were so yummy...Now I want some for linch today
Jul 3, 11:51pm
Found this recipe on line not sure if it similar to what you had. Kumara and pumpkin balls
500 gr each pumpkin & kumara 1 tsp each ground cumin & ground coriander tsp ground nutmeg Salt & pepper to taste Roughly chopped nuts of your choice: try almond or cashew.
Peel the kumera & cut into pieces. Cut pumpkin into pieces. (Peel now if you like, or peel after cooked). Place both in a lidded casserole dish and microwave without any liquid until just cooked.
Tip into a blender and blend with the spices. The mixture should be quite stiff. Form into balls, either with your hands, or between two spoons or with an ice cream scoop.
Roll in the nuts, place on a baking tray & spray with cooking oil. Bake at 170C until nuts are golden and mixture is heated through
Jul 4, 12:49am
Wow thanks so much Ruby19..Will try out in weekend
Jul 4, 3:07am
I think Alison Holst has a recipe for these in one of her books, prob Meals Without Meat.
Jul 4, 5:44am
I was wondering if you had these at the cafe near Countdown a Church Corner?When Mainstreet existed they used to have them and they were delicious.I would love Mainstreet's recipe.
Jul 4, 7:07am
I had them at a little restaurant in Christchurch near Hagley Park, think it was called Delicious?Wonder if that's where you went, was a couple of years ago now.They were memorable & yum!
Jul 4, 8:20pm
AHHH Memorieseh !!went to COffee Culture Hornby on Sunday and had them...Then started to think that I could make them myself...Not sure as to shallow fry them in a little oil so they go abit crispy or to bake them in the oven...MMMM With cashew nuts to I think.
Jul 4, 9:16pm
macwood, that is exactly what I was thinking of when I read this thread.... Mainstreets version....
and OH for their carrot cake!!
Jul 4, 9:44pm
Did any of you lovely people make these fromt he recipe the person gave up above? How were they....they sound DEICIOUS and if that recipe worked I want to give it a go - If I premade a whole lot of these then would the freeze well do you reakon. Would I freeze having done alt he steps except cooking or should I cook them and then freeze to reheat later ina microwave? ANy suggestions anyone?
Jul 5, 12:02am
Think heating them in the microwave would make them go soft, would use the oven instead.I had these at Mainstreet years ago and they were delish. I may be wrong but I thought they were coated in breadcrumbs not nuts then.
Jul 5, 5:36am
So would I love Mainstreets recipe and also some of their salad recipes and their hummus!I still miss Mainstreet and it's even worse now with the Dux out of action as well.I've always thought that Mainstreet should have put out a recipe book after they closed.
Jul 5, 11:13am
I recall seeing a billboard outside a cafe at the end of Papanui Road recently which said Mainstreet's Kumara & Pumpkin Balls.Right down the end by Sophie's.Don't go that way much at the moment!Will check it out though.
Jul 6, 12:28am
bumping till I geta pen...sound delish !
Jul 6, 4:27am
My Dad made something similar for me. It was steamed diced kumera mixed with chopped cashew nuts, sweet chilli sauce and S+P then shallow fried. Yummy! No reason you couldn't add pumpkin also.
Dec 8, 5:35am
The place by Sophie's does have them, my mum and I love them! Pretty pricey, though they do come with a salad. The peanut sauce isn't the same though :( I think the place on the corner of Countdown and Church Corner someone mentioned is called Seven cafe, it's got a garden nursery attached? Theirs are pretty good and so are Coffee Culture's, who have a better peanut sauce than Seven :) I don't have any helpful info on the original recipe and agree with the recipe book idea!
Jul 2, 4:01am
these sound good
Jul 2, 4:11am
O yum, Mainstreet's pumkin and kumara balls were the BEST!
Thanks macwood I will check that out - that's the Bealey Ave end of Papanui Rd isn't it!
Jul 3, 11:29pm
I had these at a cafe yesterday served with satay sauce and they were so yummy.Now I want some for linch today
Jul 4, 12:49am
Wow thanks so much Ruby19.Will try out in weekend
Jul 4, 5:44am
I was wondering if you had these at the cafe near Countdown a Church Corner!When Mainstreet existed they used to have them and they were delicious.I would love Mainstreet's recipe.
Jul 4, 7:07am
I had them at a little restaurant in Christchurch near Hagley Park, think it was called Delicious!Wonder if that's where you went, was a couple of years ago now.They were memorable & yum!
Jul 4, 8:20pm
AHHH Memorieseh !went to COffee Culture Hornby on Sunday and had them.Then started to think that I could make them myself.Not sure as to shallow fry them in a little oil so they go abit crispy or to bake them in the oven.MMMM With cashew nuts to I think.
Jul 4, 9:16pm
macwood, that is exactly what I was thinking of when I read this thread. Mainstreets version.
and OH for their carrot cake!
Jul 4, 9:44pm
Did any of you lovely people make these fromt he recipe the person gave up above! How were they.they sound DEICIOUS and if that recipe worked I want to give it a go - If I premade a whole lot of these then would the freeze well do you reakon. Would I freeze having done alt he steps except cooking or should I cook them and then freeze to reheat later ina microwave! ANy suggestions anyone!
Jul 5, 5:36am
So would I love Mainstreets recipe and also some of their salad recipes and their hummus!I still miss Mainstreet and it's even worse now with the Dux out of action as well.I've always thought that Mainstreet should have put out a recipe book after they closed.
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