How long would French Onion soup last?

mazzy1, Jun 23, 5:34pm
If I made it this afternoon and refrigerated it, would it be ok until Monday?

indy95, Jun 23, 5:59pm
Yes mazzy, it will be fine until Monday.

mazzy1, Jun 23, 7:37pm
Great. Thanks for that. I am off on Sunday morning to a wild, windswept beach in the Catlins for a few days, and I'm planning my menu!

martine5, Jun 24, 5:07am
In fact it would probably be nicer on Monday than it would on either Saturday or Sunday I am sure that the flavour of the dip improves with a couple of days in the fridge.

jag5, Nov 2, 10:10am
I would be a bit hesitant......unless you could freeze it.

Soups, stews, casseroles....anything with onion in will start to ferment after a day or is the onion.Anything with onion in, not being frozen, should be bought to the boil everyday until used stop the fermenting process.