Be VERY afraid! Recipes is a War Zone ;)

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valentino, Dec 1, 2:13am
The quote suppose to use initially was for #117 and #116 but somehow ended using nala2's quote... Hmmmm

rosewildvinyl, Dec 1, 2:18am
Somehow, it seems that I have been made a scapegoat in all of this. I was not going to lower myself by replying again in this thread, butbuzzy I will NOT let you get away with saying such things about the Woolworths thread. Please read it properly, without bias & take careful note of where the antagonism started, hint around #4 & carried on at #11.
If my post #2 wastaken the wrong way I addressed it, in THAT thread.
I challenge you to give examples of where I have 'complained bitterly' or accused posters of being 'rude & dismissive. I have made the occasional relevant comment & have you not noticed, quite a few have agreed with me?
I resent being told by you to 'get out & stay out', that is a very bully like thing to say & epitomises what I mean. That IS rude & dismissive.
There is a lot to be learned in this MB, the folk who are regular, experienced cooks or chefs & willingly share are to be commended & thanked.

mwood, Dec 1, 2:29am
well said rosewildvinyl - that reminds me I must copy and paste some of these recipes before they disappear with the posters

buzzy110, Dec 1, 2:42am
Actually rose you only dealt with it after one of us self-important etc drew your attention to it. Then you said you did't mean it. Duh? Mwood, none of the regular posters on here have sunk so low and never feel the need to use really foul language like you used in the Woolworths thread. Using initials is still bad language because when I see the letters I say the words in my head. You two are worse than what you are complaining about. Coupled with maysept's abusive language, maybe those who aligned themselves with you should think again about the irony.

When have I ever told you to get out and stay out. It is one thing to debate and quite another to debate on made up things to improve your position.

uli, Dec 1, 2:43am
Well done.

mwood, Dec 1, 2:56am
OK so this area could also be used for developing recipes not just copying and pasting from Google ?

uli, Dec 1, 3:02am
Have you ever posted any recipe? Even one from google?

buzzy110, Dec 1, 3:05am
Who in the world is copying and pasting from google mwood? I've never done it and I'm pretty sure none of the regulars do it unless the recipe is the same and they don't need to go to the bother of typing it up themselves.

I hope you aren't alluding to links posted in threads. I just wouldn't have been able to do as thorough and helpful sourdough thread if it hadn't been for the in depth knowledge to be found on the net. Some 'recipes' can run to three pages or more, especially if it is in an area that most NZ cooks have zero experience of, and that just isn't practical in this forum so a link to the desired information is invaluable. I hope you don't want us to stop doing that.

nala2, Dec 1, 3:06am
As a bit of light relief , when I worked in a factory many years ago, all the union trouble started in the last 3 weeks before Xmas, strikes, arguments and general stirring all went on in the wind-up to Xmas which resultedin an absolute shambles at the "Xmas Work Doo" when alcohol was added to the mix. The results kept many people giving their versions of "what happened" going for the first 3 months of the new year and others who missed it, swearing they would not miss it next year. Bit Like a Full Moon. Maybe we all need a break.

uli, Dec 1, 3:09am
Nala2 this whole thread is so funny. Especially posts like the one below:

So we shouldn't be posting - but hold on - no - we should be posting ... or what? LOL

fisher, Dec 1, 3:24am
nala... . buzzy well said...
mwood, . . I just went back and looked at what contributions YOU have made and errrthey have been VERY minimal to say the least and included are a couple of put downs to posters asking simple questions... "filleting whitebait" and when someone asked for a simple salad your answer was "lettuce leaves"... You see the regular posters dont regard any question how ever simple it may be other than a request for a recipe or advice. . We like to help whether they be simple or hard and proffer what knowledge we have to improve those posters skills. . Whether they use them or not is up to them and when 3-4 and maybe more are offered then they have a choice to suit their families tastes. That's what makes it so good... You seem to be above doing this as maybe your "commercial enterprise" experiences set YOUR level above simple food... oh that's right you just smart arse requests and belittle people. . I can hear it now, the tap tap tap. . making a complaint to t/m about me... LOL. .
Google recipes... . . WHAT. . ? ? ? this recipe board is EXACTLY the same as google... what's the difference whether you copy the recipe from here or google or any other recipe site... . NIL... as long as it produces the desired result and recipe to suit that posters needs...
job done... happy cook. . happy family

fisher, Dec 1, 3:35am
You think... :}}you haven't been here long enough or seen developments and changes made to some "traditional" recipes. .
Sure some of the purists dont like it but to me that's all part and parcel of the fun of cooking and trying new things, whether they become a disaster to be deleted for ever and a day, or "posted" here with pride for one and all to try and maybe further develop to their own tastes. .

fisher, Dec 1, 3:59am
rosewildvinyl... just had a look back at your contributions for recipes which seem to be. . errrrr... . NIL... correct me if i'm wrong... LOLjust some mere snippets of preferences and additions to recipes you may like... seems mostly snide remarks is your forte and pulling people up... how about offering some of your best recipes... what ya reckon ? ? ? ?

nala2, Dec 1, 4:02am
Everybody has a different situation, a busy person on a limited time, a meal on a limited income, a meal with the focus on maybe health or a limited range ingredients. I do not post a lot of recipes on here because I am a cooking "nut" and have been for many years and am lucky to have the time to be able to indulge that whim. The more complicated it is the happier I am, the wife thinks I am obsessed but enjoys the fruits of that obsession. Last week I did a "Pork Belly Confit", took me 3 days but was well worth the effort. Years ago when returning from overseas I would struggle through customs with all the jars and powders from overseas I could not get in NZ (not so bad here now), so I could experiment with my cooking. Thats me so if I offend because of my passion , I apologise but I mean well.

pickles7, Dec 1, 4:13am
I for one feel cutting and pasting recipes from other sites rather lame... .
The person who has asked for help would be expecting a recipe that the "poster" , had at least tried.
Maybe if you have not got a recipe that you have tried , it would be kinder to tell them to google for a recipe themselves...
I took a look into sour bread, have never posted in there I do think it is rubbish the way that thread has transpired... . . I go look , feel sickened at the length of some of the cutting and pasting going on , once again , if a person can use a message board, they can do there own research. .
I feel the underlying reason for these lengthy cut and pastings, is to clog up the trade me message boards, maybe to manipulate trade me into having threads fall off, again... .
I found a post, in general , saying something to that effect , wanting to "hog" the message boards... .

nala2, Dec 1, 4:21am
I spend a quite a lot of time on the internet looking at recipe sites and I would never post a recipe I have not tried. Some of the US versions can be quite strange and I have been caught out and disappointed with some of them, even though they looked good.

uli, Dec 1, 4:22am
Amazing post pickles ...

fisher, Dec 1, 4:23am
That's whats so good about this board... so many folks to offer recipes to suit all those needs...
nala... differing opinions is healthy until they are "set upon" as a few have been in these threads. . from new folks that contribute nothing. . no apology on your part is necessary and if it's a passion and you enjoy it and wish to create "your" perfection. . then so be it. . but its the ability to let other do the same for themselves regardless if you agree or not to ingredients or methods. . its their idea of perfection. . Yes there are traditional ways of doing recipes but I personally get sick of them and like to experiment and change them, in particular with herbs. . :}
Enjoy it nala... we are not long on this earth...

buzzy110, Dec 1, 4:58am
Agreed uli. It is amazing.

I'd like to take the time to defend my thread but as those who have been helped by it know the thread to be what it is, an excellent reference source then I will refrain, mostly.

I am thrilled you decided against posting in the thread pickles.

scholar54, Dec 1, 5:40am
I, for one, am grateful for any info that Buzzy or Uli have given me, or that anyone else has given me, for that matter. I love healthy food, and I also love some junk too. I laugh at a lot of the sarcasm that I read. I used to let negative words spoken to me, get me down. Now, I just laugh. It's not my problem, it's the other persons. Be true to yourself, is all that I can say. A kind word turns away wrath. Please let "Sleeping Dogs Lie, " and Don't Stir Up The Hornets Nest people. Peace To You All. Christmas is a time for good will to all men.

tailz1, Dec 1, 10:11am
Who the hell wanders into the Recipe forum to start a fight? What a sad fulla.

Unless it's a food fight of course

elliehen, Dec 1, 6:00pm
I started, I'll finish, if I'm permitted ;)Lots of people had lots to say - there was clearly a need. Contrary opinions will ALWAYS be welcome if they are phrased to target the topic and not the person. So please, Peace now... there's room for everyone here from the novice to the Masterchef, as long as there's respect for everyone too :)

cookessentials, Dec 1, 8:18pm
Well, I did an experiment early this morning. I answered quite a number of posts on the message board so that THIS thread went somewhere down the bottom of the page and YET, someone just HAD to go looking for it to continue this sad saga. lets hope you can all continue to enjoy yourselves by ripping into each other for the rest of the week. Oh, and "Merry Christmas" to you all - hope the spirit of Christmas resides in your minds.

pickles7, Dec 1, 8:22pm
yep, it was quiet for a whole 2 hours and 18 minutes,

rosewildvinyl, Dec 1, 8:24pm
so you bump it up?