Be VERY afraid! Recipes is a War Zone ;)

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cap, Nov 29, 8:54pm
I have always found the recipe board very helpful and have learnt a lot from it but I also have to add that lately the tone has changed a little bit and I am unsure of the cause but obviously I am not the only one to notice it. I have seen threads where someone has asked for a recipe only to be "told off" because it is not healthy and "think of the calories", "think of the fat", etc. If someone asks for a recipe using Kremelta (for example) that doesn't mean they are going to consume this product every day. I feel like some people just like to lecture people and I have seem some people almost put down others for using a packet mix or an unorganic chicken. Anyway I still love this board and try to ignore the posts that I think border on rude and condescending as they are few and far between and now I am off to ask a question lol!

rosewildvinyl, Nov 29, 9:36pm
cap, you have said in a much better way than I did, what I have noticed.
We are all able to make our own choices about what we choose to eat & don't needlectures on the assumption that we are not aware of healthy choices.

nauru, Nov 29, 10:39pm
Well said cap and rose. I've had a taste of that when I postedrecently. A recipe that I thought would make a good Xmas treat and I wanted to share with those who would be interested, only to have people come in and nit pick. Although annoying, I chose to ignore the remarks, keep posting and cooking., Nov 29, 10:48pm
I agree, Cap, Rose and Nauru.

A lot of the negativity recently is new, pretty unpleasant and quite unnecessary. And confined to just a few posters - most continue to be very helpful and kind.

Badly brought up, that's the problem.

rosewildvinyl, Nov 29, 10:50pm
"Although annoying, I chose to ignore the remarks, keep posting and cooking. "

You way is much wiser & I'll try to ignorethose that do the put down act.
There's so much of interest here, I have noticed that you are always willing to help out with requests & recipes.
I have also noticed that some times people ask for a recipe or help & a member goes to the effort of typing up quite a lengthy recipe & the asker never enters the thread again.
Feedback or acknowledgement would be polite, eh?

As a newcomer, I get the feeling that some people treat this board as their very own & don't like a newbie questioning, I hope I got that wrong.

hezwez, Nov 29, 11:02pm
You got that right Rose. A few days ago a poster, in support of some of the denigrating posters, wrote "I wonder if trademe would consider having a facility where someone could be blocked from a thread that say you start so particular people cannot participate in a bad way? Just a thought. " LOL

pickles7, Nov 29, 11:05pm
"Worcestershire Sauce" is not a sauce, that was developed in England... . get over it... .
"My sauce" is just that... . To call it anything else but, "Worcestershire Sauce" would be doing myself, and the sauce , aninjustice... . "
"pickles Worcestershire Sauce""

kirinesha, Nov 29, 11:08pm
Sorry Pickles, I am struggling to understand you.

pickles7, Nov 29, 11:18pm
... . kirinesha ... . I guess one day, you will . .

rosewildvinyl, Nov 29, 11:21pm
OMG suppression of free speech?

hezwez, how do you quote part of a post?

nfh1, Nov 29, 11:23pm
Can you imagine starting a thread and listing people you do not want to contribute! Sort of a Thread Poster's Black List! ! !

hezwez, Nov 29, 11:32pm
You just cut or delete the part you don't need repeated, being careful not to cut the beginning and end quote bits. :-)

rosewildvinyl, Nov 29, 11:34pm
I'm not brave enough to start a thread, let alone dictate who can post. The person who suggested that had to besaying it with their toungue firmly in their cheek, you think?

hezwez, thanks, appreciate that, it's quite easy but would never have thought of it.

hezwez, Nov 29, 11:36pm
Uh... no :-)

rosewildvinyl, Nov 29, 11:38pm
I believe you. Nowt as strange as folks.

uli, Nov 30, 1:04am
Well - just one thought - why is it that posters that never post here (as they have stated) but are lurking every day and using all the recipes (as one poster has stated she now has files of copied recipes from here) while never obviously posting any (as otherwise they would be posting and not lurking) - well why is it that THOSE people all of a sudden come out of the woodwork and start criticising the tone of this board - including the posters who have been helping people with unusual and difficult questions?

And yes - I mean that people like myself or buzzy or beaker or davidt4 and a lot of others (sorry if I didn't quote your names) are all of the sudden the "booh"-people.

It is fairly easy to post a recipe with 3 ingredients out of a book - and I am not saying here that I am so much better because I know how to bake from scratch, just to put the record right and to pre-empt another 3 pages of interpretations! - it takes a bit more experience and hands-on knowledge to answer requests from people on how to make fermented fish from scratch, or how to cook authentic Asian foods, or how to keep a good sourdough going or as buzzy and a lot of people in the low carb thread do - read lots of scientific books and can then explain why someone is having trouble losing weight, or what a carbohydrate rich diet does to your health. All these "condescending" threads (as you call them) have been started out of questions that people here asked on this board.

And if you feel that this is too much for you all then go back into the woodwork where you have been (according to your own posts) and hide. I for one will not stop posting here (again) just because a few cannot stand the heat in the kitchen.

Use your "ignore buttons" - just the same as I use mine. I am not happy about the tone on this board either a lot of the time - but for different reasons... .

davidt4, Nov 30, 1:08am
My thoughts exactly uli, in fact I was just about to write along the same lines.

hezwez, Nov 30, 1:14am
The opinions about foods, recipes, etc; are most welcome from experienced and inexperienced cooks alike, but deliberately putting down people, alluding to possible mental illnesses and medication, being absolutely (at best) thoughtless and (at worst) bullies, is simply unacceptable, IMO, as I'm sure you and others are aware.

nfh1, Nov 30, 1:22am
I post regularly on here - usually asking for help, and always getting it, for which I am very grateful.

I do not see that there is any need to be rude or put down other posters and if that makes me prissy or whatever than so be it.

I would rather be prissy than rude!

hezwez, Nov 30, 1:25am
Cheers nfh1 ~ from a fellow prissy. :-)

rosewildvinyl, Nov 30, 1:44am
why do I get the feeling that you have directed that post at me?
I have used a lot of recipes from this board, & appreciate the posters that have shared.
Why do I get the feeling that there is an assumption that only a selected few know how to cook from scratch?
I do & have raised my own organic food in the past, meat, veges etc, but it seems that because I have not contributed to this board - I have no experience.
I don't like the scathing 'put downs' that some do, because the recipe doesn't meet their criteria of what is acceptable or 'healthy'.
There are a lot of people that have been practising for longer, what you do, uli & are willing to share without the arrogance of thinking they are the only ones with the knowledge.
Think about it!

an example -from another thread

"How are they "technically" correct?

Edit to include: rosewildvinyl - it seems nothing seems to matter - if it is correct or not - in your world?

Edited by uli at 7:47 pm, Mon 30 Nov

* Quote

uli (528 )7:45 pm, Mon 30 Nov #4

hellooo? is that targeting or what?

doug57, Nov 30, 2:02am
Why can't all these pointless and less than encouraging posts cease?
Wouldn't THAT be the sensible thing to do? Failing that, how about taking the thread into opinions and then you can go for it hammer and tongs in there?

hezwez, Nov 30, 2:02am
I'm grateful to elliehen for starting this thread. Posters are the tip of the iceberg... the vast majority are lurkers who perhaps didn't know what a nasty streak had pervaded the recipes category, and are now aware of it. Thanks elliehen.

nfh1, Nov 30, 2:06am
have to agree.

I think many people have been surprised at some of the posts recently but just hoped it would stop.

rosewildvinyl, Nov 30, 2:07am
I think you may be right there hezwez.
I have watched, learned & the moment I, as anewcomer, question, I get jumped on by the regulars.
Well, I will NOT bow down to the kings & queen of this board!
It is too valuable a resource & I am learning a lot, especially about 'human nature'.