i haven't been in here for a wee while, but have to say that i would be greatly dissapointed to read any post's that were not fair and polite - there is enough nasty posting going on in other parts of message board... . . i have always found recipes a wonderful place of sharing and support, please don't allow it to go the way of other threads on here - that would be sooooooooooooo sad and not necessary. We can all agree to disagree, its the way that we go about it. life is too short to be nasty to one another... .
Nov 28, 11:17pm
I think its degrading to us bakers/cooks in this recipe forum to drag ourselves down like other forums have done so. Its good to have your own opinion but there is simply no need to belittle people when stating a point etc...
Lets have our opinions but why not show the others how you should treat other people, with respect and dignity...
Nov 28, 11:36pm
What a bunch of Nanna's, open your minds, cooking is very compeditive just look at all the cooking game shows on the telly. I know heaps of family gatherings where there is a bit of passive agressive jostling of the nanna's to claim thier slice is best on the table. Even us blokes get a bit compeditive over our cooking.
Nov 28, 11:47pm
Ahhh you're a bloke! Must be single if you haven't got an appreciation of bitchiness then, and we heard you the first time. ;-)
Nov 28, 11:54pm
beakers wifey here - he is a bloke and right now is where every bloke should be - in the kitchen hehehehe
Nov 28, 11:57pm
You've got him well trained.
Nov 29, 12:00am
I really DO love it when you all jump to conclusions LOL - now beaker must be single ... and so it carries on... .
Nov 29, 12:37am
Face values only Uli thats the net for you. and Hezwez cooking ain't about training its about enjoying cooking. I have a very demanding and stressful occupation and time out to rattle a few pots and pans is the perfect therapy. Oh and I do know a little about bitchiness I have had 2 wives and have 6 kids (3 daughters) and a granddaughter.
Nov 29, 12:43am
Cooking is great therapy... a bit like gardening.
Nov 29, 12:45am
ugly just plain ugly ROFLMAO
Nov 29, 12:33pm
I found a "classic"recipe , no darn , ... peas ... . in a , Irish stew ... . I would not think of questioning the "chef", His kitchen ... . His recipe ... its how He , sees Irish bl. stew... I will keep one eye on His site, He may have forgotten to add, , , , A CAN OF PEAS, WITHOUT THE MINT... . lol
Nov 29, 1:49pm
Well, as a long time member of the recipe board, there is usually only the very ODD "spat" for the most part, I note that it is a still a wonderful place to come to and have no hesitation in helping someone out as best I can. I do note on here that there are a number of names I have never seen here, so perhaps a little stirriing may be going on? ? who knows. All I know is that most of the regulars here can get on with helping people out and even a thread such as this on here is a bit silly in my opinion. Hope you ALL have a great Christmas and keep the recipe section as it always has been - a GREAT place to come and share ones knowledge and GREAT recipes
Nov 29, 2:18pm
There are many people who read the Boards who hardly ever post and this could be why there are many new posters in this thread.
I love the Board and just feel sorry for the posters who feel it is necessary to be rude.
Nov 29, 2:25pm
I would hate everyone to agree - very boring. We would never have any new recipes!
I love debate and the really clever ones are the ones who put their point of view over in a way, that although you may not agree you consider it.
Nov 29, 4:07pm
Have to agree beaker. There is a place on recipes for educational threads about food. I have found that some people are actually helped by educational threads. Also a bit of debate is a healthy thing. I think it is important that people are informed when a recipe is misnamed. It doesn't detract from the recipe posted and readers are also given another good idea - vis-a-vis the Salad Nicoise thread. The original salad Nicoise is as good, if not better, than the mis-named one and its posting added to the thread, not detracted from it - "two Salad Nicoise's for the price of one".
Nov 29, 4:11pm
beaker post #17 and kirinesha post #24. . spot on. . tis all toooooo prissie PC bull**** these days. . nicey nicey. . dont upset anyone. . LOL. . harden up. . dont like it dont read it. . turn your computer off solves the problem every time. . :}}oh yeah. . im a bloke as well. . :}} Now off to post a few recipes that someone can rip to shreads and tell me its not authentic or the original way. . and give me stick about ithahahahaha
Nov 29, 6:56pm
Well, folks, I've re-entered to read others' thoughts and I'll leave just this one of many examples of cyberbullying from a poster commenting on another's recipe - no names, of course. [Quote: "Oh for goodness' sake. Worcester Sauce is one of the triumphs of English condiment making. What makes you think that an amateur without a clue could improve on it? " Unquote]And that's healthy debate? ? ? That's bullying. We teach our children that in order to raise ourselves up we don't have to put others down.
Nov 29, 7:08pm
Comments like that are just rude elliehen. You have to feel sorry for them!
Some people are rude all the time, others hide behind their computer screens to be rude. Whatever the reason it makes them look foolish and small rather than whoever they are posting about.
Nov 29, 7:28pm
That poster would have more knowledge than most of the posters added together. I enjoy her posts for their culinary expertise, she is the diamond in the crown in this section.
Nov 29, 7:43pm
If a person has a passion for something they can be pedantic but you can often learn more from people with passion than those that merely "dabble". Having said that a passion can also be an obsession so one has to be selective and take from it what you can need.
Nov 29, 7:43pm
Actually, it's only a few posters who are a territorial about recipe ownership and a bit aggressive and competitive. Mostly, everyone here is helpful and benign.
Maybe we should start voting off the nastier comments.
Nov 29, 7:52pm
Well all I can say to elliehen - if this is message board is all too much for you please do not continue reading these threads.
I personally can see nothing rude or any bullying there, however this may be just the way I was brought up, we used to be able to say what we thought and if the above poster thought that Worcester Sauce is one of the triumphs of English condiment making and what makes the poster think that an amateur without a clue could improve on it? - then why can she not say that? And if anybody would have to be offended then it would be the person she said it to - not someone coming along reading it - then going away and starting threads that "recipes" is now a war-zone. Have you ever been in a war-zone? I hope that you will never have the opportunity!
I know that in NZ the rule No 1 is not to say anything except it is "nice". Well - some threads could become very quiet here then LOL.
Nov 29, 8:00pm
Time to leave it alone elliehen.
Nov 29, 8:01pm
I'm one of those long time readers & hesitated to post when I kept seeing how judgmental some people are. Scoffing at recipes given, calling them full of chemicals, sugar & things like, 'if thats what you want to feed your family' etc. When it boils down to it, there's no need for that type of comment as we all have the choice as to what recipes we decide are good ones for us to try. I like this board & have heaps of recipes on file from it.
Nov 29, 8:16pm
Totally agree with Uli on this... . To me also is merely stating a questional thought on the real basic traditional "Worcestershire Sauce", (need to ensure the true spelling as well) that the poster was looking for the right answer, not this crap that poster number 1 has noted in theis title... . .
As noted by others, if your thoughts are so narrow and touchy then perhaps one needs stay with other MSB topics such as "General" or "opinion" etc etc... . .
That recipe that one is doing is up to themself on what being done, it was placed on this MSB and is open for others to view and give thoughts... . That question is just a question, and was this answered, or merely just being construed to suit certain ones as such and noted above... ... hence the thought of "Stick with at least General for stirring" or even perhaps another topic that is so placid if there is one. Hmmmmm.
I'm here to enjoy all the notes re thoughts on cooking and recipes that are given by everyone regardless of their personalities and it stays at that.
Oh, I'm a bloke toooo.
And I've noticed how only certain posts of stirring only involves certain posters, not the posters whom are often, regular contributors but others when sees an opportunity, dives in on such threads as this one... . .
If there are those around just perusing then sees this and now states "That's why I don't Post" then that is very... ... ... ? ? ? ? ?
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