Poured boiling water over peach skins and the stones after I bottled 40kg of peaches. I crushed up 2 campden tablets, dissolved them in warm water and added them to the bucket and used my hand to mix through. The next morning I strained off the liquid into a brewing barrel and poured more boiling water over the peelings to make the liquid up to 15 liters. I dissolved 5 kg of white sugar, 2 Tblsp of grape tannin in boiling water and added that to the barrel, 4tsp lemon juice, topping it up to 20 liters. S. G. reading is indicating a 16% alc. finished wine. tastes nice and peachy . I added 2 Tblsp of turbo yeast and sat it on a heat pad. At the first racking I will add a further 3 liters of boiled , cooled water.
Jun 30, 6:14pm
This wine is not clearing very well, it has a very nice full bodied flavour, more of a dessert wine . . I added 4 tsp of "Sparkolloid Powder" in 2 cups of water simmered for 15 minutes and added while hot. Two weeks it should take, mmmI hope so. I am keen to get on with my next lot. Any one else, got wine brewing?
Jun 30, 7:08pm
Not wine pickles7, but I am going to try some cassis or blackcurrant liqueur and if it turns out well may use a bottle or two for Christmas presents.
Jun 30, 7:51pm
I made mead last year, very nice, might try and find some cheap honey and do it again...
Jul 18, 5:57am
how are u two going, are you making wine? ? ? this wine still has not cleared. I will buy a filter to filter it. It will come in handy. The wine is very nice but I don't feel like adding anything else to it. I will need to be searching more before I use the skins again to brew with.
Jan 23, 2:26am
Pickles I want to make some Apricot Wine.Am sure I have seen you give a basic easy wine recipe, can you link me pls!Or direct me to one!TIA
If you are using fresh apricots, freeze them first. You get more juice from, once frozen fruit
Jan 25, 12:36am
A filter will not clear pectin from my wine. I just had to post in here once again. This wine has been racked off twice, had two attempts to clear it. Nothing worked. It is still a little hazy, I should have used pectinase, way back. Never to mind , it tastes very nice. I will bottle it and slowly make wine vinegar, with it. This season I will make peach wine again, using the skins but will put the pectinase in at the first fermentation. If the vinegar turns out a bit hazy, it won't matter. I will use the vinegar to make worcestershire sauce. The longer you can keep that sauce the better. Any wine makers that do make a batch of wine that is past its best, It really dose pay to turn it into vinegar. I have two more bottles of old wine, turning into wine vinegar, right now. 2 bottles of wine plus 1 bottle of water = a good brew of wine vinegar. I need to move on to my next batch of wine. I have a "kit" Someone gave me, looks easy as, grape juice, in a huge big plastic bag. Everything I need is in the box, it will be a doddle.
Jan 25, 2:48am
Pickles, I'm a little bit curious about your first post.You are making wine using only the skins and stones of the peaches because whenever I've made peach wine I've always peeled the peaches, stoned them, and steeped the fruit, discarding the skin and stones.Hmmm.Wonders which one of us has got it wrong!Also I thought 2 tablespoons of grape tannin sounded a bit too much (but then again, maybe I don't use enough).The turbo yeast you talk of, can you explain further.The only turbo yeast I've ever used has been to put down a "spirit wash".When I make wine I only ever use a wine yeast.Using a proper wine yeast I find it's not necessary to rack the wine, just leave it to ferment out, it clears, and then I either decant it into smaller jars to enjoy, and maybe bottle some of it.
Jan 25, 3:08am
Hi Kuaka.. yes, I used spirit yeast, I wanted the fermentationover as fast as Possible. I only used the skins as I had bottled heaps of peaches. I am well pleased with the wine, tastes real nice, just didn't clear properly.
Jan 25, 3:17am
oh well that's interesting, 'cos I've never thought of using anything other than a wine yeast for wine making.Can't really help you with the wine not clearing, I've got some golden kiwifruit wine which is being a bit stubborn at the moment, and I haven't decided yet what to do with it, whether to try to clear it or just leave it a bit longer.
Jan 25, 3:20am
This year I will put pectinase in at the first fermentation, I will read up on the amounts. Grape tannin in that quantity has not been a problem, 23 liters of wine in total.
Jan 25, 3:23am
If you used the skins, it probably will be like mine. I have been advised a filter won't clear that problem. I used two lots of fining's, nothing helped.I have used turbo yeast for wine before, it is way faster and has a good alcohol tolerance.
Mar 17, 5:17pm
Poured boiling water over peach skins and the stones after I bottled 40kg of peaches. I crushed up 2 campden tablets, dissolved them in warm water and added them to the bucket and used my hand to mix through.The next morning I strained off the liquid into a brewing barrel and poured more boiling water over the peelings to make the liquid up to 15 liters. I dissolved 5 kg of white sugar, 2 Tblsp of grape tannin in boiling water and added that to the barrel, 4tsp lemon juice, topping it up to 20 liters.S.G. reading is indicating a 16% alc. finished wine. tastes nice and peachy .I added 2 Tblsp of turbo yeast and sat it on a heat pad. At the first racking I will add a further 3 liters of boiled ,cooled water.
May 13, 7:26pm
Peach Vinegar,,,,,,, THE WINE, IS JUST TOO SWEET FOR US. Sorry to bore some of you,.... BUT..... This peach wine, is making a very nice, peach vinegar. 2 bottles of peach wine, plus 1 bottle of water========= peach vinegar. 45 X 750 mils of peach vinegar. I will eventually be evaporating a few bottles to see if I can get something like a "balsamic" texture. How ever My first lot, has not finished yet, but sure has a nice peachy, flavour, murky still, but then, raw vinegar is murky
May 14, 7:26pm
Peach Vinegar,,,,,,, THE WINE, IS JUST TOO SWEET FOR US. Sorry to bore some of you,. BUT. This peach wine, is making a very nice, peach vinegar. 2 bottles of peach wine, plus 1 bottle of water========= peach vinegar. 45 X 750 mils of peach vinegar. I will eventually be evaporating a few bottles to see if I can get something like a "balsamic" texture. How ever My first lot, has not finished yet, but sure has a nice peachy, flavour, murky still, but then, raw vinegar is murky
May 20, 9:09pm
The vinegar is well on track. It is amazing how the "peach" flavour is coming through.Vinegar eels are presently in this brew, I have had them in another brew. They just disappeared before, so I expect that is what will happen this time.I will be needing to get the lot brewing together, It takes as long to deal with two bottles, as it would to deal to the whole 30 bottles.
May 21, 8:31pm
I have found this vinegar different from all others. It has not grown a thick "mother of vinegar". The vinegar has been a lot slower than the others as well. The flavour is simply delicious, “peach” is a lot more prominent than I had imagined it would be. I found a site today that is saying it will be because there is too much alcohol in the wine. Even though I added half as much water to wine the brew that you want to turn into vinegar is best to be 5 to 6 % alcohol. I won’t be changing anything at the moment, as adding more water will weaken that nice “peachy” flavour.
May 22, 4:09am
My brother does a mean apricot wine ..... more like a brandy, A little goes a very long way lol. Uses tinned Apricots for some and fresh for others. He has also made Mead which was beautiful. had a go at apple cider but I never got to taste it unfortunately.
May 22, 4:37am
Apricot wine is nice, I have made it using dried apricots. This peach wine tastes very nice, just so hazy. That is not so bad when I can turn it into vinegar. I use a lot of vinegar over a year. I must of made near,130 liters, of vinegar by now. Have you made wine yourself ?.... cgvl ....
May 22, 6:28am
pickles no not yet, have a hankering to but DH likes to make his own spirits, and beer, he also has had a go at wine so doubt I'll be allowed a look in. I have had a wine years ago now called peacherine a really nice quaffing wine, think it may have been either a peach wine or a peach brandy mixed with wine. Could sit by the pool and quaff it all day long if had been allowed to.
May 23, 12:29am
OK if he has a bottle of wine or beer to spare try your hand at making, vinegar. It is so easy. I have a still, but have not used it for ages. You shouldn't brew vinegar near his beer or wine, really. I have them in the same room, but, as I intend making vinegar it is not a problem.
May 23, 4:09am
My brother does a mean apricot wine . more like a brandy, A little goes a very long way lol. Uses tinned Apricots for some and fresh for others. He has also made Mead which was beautiful. had a go at apple cider but I never got to taste it unfortunately.
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