Just thinking - well drooling really there used to be a bakery in the main street of Napier that made little individual ones and the most beautiful petite fours - the marzipan was just devine
Jun 10, 12:40am
Gosh that's a memory! My nana used to take me to town every Friday, and my treat was to go there. It was in Emerson St, and I think it was called Reeves Home Cookery, he used to make gorgeous little round petit fours. There was the Brown Owl further up, on the corner of Emerson & Market streets? and they used to make the boat cakes, and I remember earlier than that there was HB Cake Kitchen who made the penny pies (which for some reason cost 4d) Oh I'm geting old!!
Jun 10, 1:05am
kinna, the brown owl has been sold, an the new owners still make boat cakes. had one for my birthday last weeek. how can i get a bakery to make me a batternberg cake. wonder why shops have gone away from the old style cakes etc. also love creamhorns, and never see them anywhere.
Jun 10, 1:06am
kinna, the shop my aunty used to go to, was in the square, and i think there was an electrical shop in the front, and the cafe down the back.
Jun 10, 1:30am
Korbo Is it still next to the old McCready's building? (which was now a bookshop, I think the last time I was in Napier?) Gosh I also have memories of the 70's when I worked at McCready's and used to duck in to the Brown Owl at morning tea time. The guys in there used to call out to me to go thru to the back, and serve myself when they were busy baking.I knew there was a Brown Owl at Onekawa. I will make a point of going there next time I'm back in Napier, hopefully might make it there soon. I also remember there cheese buster/ biscuits which they sold bagged in dozens in brown paper bags. Oh yes, where are the good ol bakeries? Lots of nostalgic memories there.
Jun 10, 2:33am
Yes Korbo - cream horns were lovely as well - and those sticky pastry things with a name like palmieres or something like that
Jun 10, 2:42am
OMG!here we go.....those good old British favourites.OK I will put the jug on if someone brings the cakes
Jun 10, 3:10am
Years ago 10 o'clock cookie in Masterton used to make it - divine
Jun 10, 3:43am
I also miss Malt Loaf!& Mr Kipling's lil cakes!Omg!!!! sooo goood& Kunzel cakes.......the list goes on......
Jun 10, 4:30am
that's it.ohh, my mouth is druling for a slice now. I can remember it so clearly, and to be honest dont think i have seen it for maybe 30 odd years. who wants to make me one and satisfy my craving.
Jun 10, 5:10am
I pig out on it each time I go back to the UK to visit family, and one time I even brought two back (one for me and one for my next door neighbour who was also from the UK).Got up next morning, and hubby had eaten half of it and chucked all the marzipan in the rubbish - he said the cake would be alright if it wasn't for all the awful marzipan on it.Grrrr!
Jun 10, 5:54am
Lindy - my mum used to make a beautiful Malt loaf - had forgotten about it - was really yummy
Jun 10, 5:57pm
googles images for this. the chocolate battenburg looks good
Jun 11, 12:40am
Gosh that's a memory! My nana used to take me to town every Friday, and my treat was to go there. It was in Emerson St, and I think it was called Reeves Home Cookery, he used to make gorgeous little round petit fours. There was the Brown Owl further up, on the corner of Emerson & Market streets! and they used to make the boat cakes, and I remember earlier than that there was HB Cake Kitchen who made the penny pies (which for some reason cost 4d) Oh I'm geting old!
Jun 11, 1:30am
Korbo Is it still next to the old McCready's building! (which was now a bookshop, I think the last time I was in Napier!) Gosh I also have memories of the 70's when I worked at McCready's and used to duck in to the Brown Owl at morning tea time. The guys in there used to call out to me to go thru to the back, and serve myself when they were busy baking.I knew there was a Brown Owl at Onekawa. I will make a point of going there next time I'm back in Napier, hopefully might make it there soon. I also remember there cheese buster/ biscuits which they sold bagged in dozens in brown paper bags. Oh yes, where are the good ol bakeries! Lots of nostalgic memories there.
Jun 11, 2:42am
OMG!here we go.those good old British favourites.OK I will put the jug on if someone brings the cakes
Jun 11, 3:43am
I also miss Malt Loaf!& Mr Kipling's lil cakes!Omg! sooo goood& Kunzel cakes.the list goes on.
Jun 11, 5:09pm
Yes! They still make it. Individually gladwrapped slices.
Jun 11, 5:13pm
My Mum also makes it ( a Yorkshire lass) and it is still one of my favourites.
Jun 11, 6:21pm
kinna, no the napier shop closed years ago. only onekawa now. yeah, wish someone would open up a bakery, and go back to making them good ole fashioned slices....
Jun 11, 9:53pm
My mum is a yorkshire lass as well cookessentials korbo is it still the same family that has the shop at Onekawa
Jun 11, 10:33pm
gerry I remember when I was a wee kiddie it was owned by the "Hastings" family, as I can remember my nana always addressed him as Mr Hastings, and he addressed her by name as well. The daughter I think then took over, (can remember her working in there) then when I worked at McCreadys it was bought by a dutchman?who also made specialty chocolate. If it's the same family again maybe its a descendant? Would love to think so, and that it's a great family tradition carried on.
Jun 12, 6:21pm
kinna, no the napier shop closed years ago. only onekawa now. yeah, wish someone would open up a bakery, and go back to making them good ole fashioned slices.
Jun 12, 10:33pm
gerry I remember when I was a wee kiddie it was owned by the "Hastings" family, as I can remember my nana always addressed him as Mr Hastings, and he addressed her by name as well. The daughter I think then took over, (can remember her working in there) then when I worked at McCreadys it was bought by a dutchman!who also made specialty chocolate. If it's the same family again maybe its a descendant! Would love to think so, and that it's a great family tradition carried on.
Jun 13, 1:22am
Kinna - had forgotten the lovely chocolate bunnies - wasnt McCreadys a lovely shop in its time - yes it would be nice if the tradition carried on
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