does anyone know how to make washing powder? good results?
Oct 5, 6:47pm
There is a washing liquid recipe in the thread "Budgets... who needs them? ... . . ME! " It is on the first page. I use it and fine it great. If you go through the thread a bit more I think there is a powder recipe... or try the TVNZ website keyword good morning... . I believe someone made washing powder on there not so long ago (washing soda and sunlight soap I think)
Oct 5, 8:46pm
Yes Twinsforus You are correct there was a lady on GM who is a dairy farmer and has got her groceries down to $100 for her and two daughters I think by making all her cleaning stuff and she has a website . www.pigtitsand i think from memeory thats it! ) but you have to pay for recipes and on good morning she made a couple of things soyou can see them there but here is the soap powder recipe i copied down from GM.
Oct 5, 8:52pm
Recipe for washing powder... . 125g sunlight soap 1kg washing soda whiz up soap in food processor then add washing soda till quite fine. Pour into an icecream or similar container and store till need You only have to use 1 Tablesboon per load Think i might try it once my current washing powder has run out! The other two recipes she gave were toothpaste and dishwasher powder so have a look on nzondemand and look up GM
Oct 5, 8:58pm
Yep here is the address... if you want to go and have a look!
Oct 5, 9:56pm
#101 in the thread "We Don't Have To Buy It Cos We Can Make It Thread! " - HOMEMADE LAUNDRY SOAP FOR WASHING MACHINE - thanks to TM's trademequeen- 1 cup grated soap (use Pure or Sunlight as they are less likely to cause any allergies), 1/2 cup each ofborax and washing soda crystals, (“I used 1 cup as we have hard water” – trademequeen). Mix the soap and washing soda together and give them a whiz using the metal blade in a food processor or blender. Mix in the borax and store in a labelled jar. Use 1 tbsp for a small load or 2 tbsp for a normal-large load. Here's the link to the above-named thread:- asp x? id=28292666&threadid=28292666
Oct 5, 10:26pm
Anyone use the powder recipes above? I tried the liquid one but after awhile my clothes all felt funny. Slimy almost. So would be keen to hear what others have to say about the powders, by the way what is borax?
Oct 6, 1:05am
Home made washing powder ive started making my own washing powder aswell, after going to a Lyn Webster (Pigs Tits an Parsley Sauce) demonstration. As above with the sunlight soap and washing soda in the food processor. Throw the fabric softener and use white vinegar, leaves clothes soft (no they dont smell like vinegar) I wont be buying washing powder again, thanks lyn!
Mar 15, 5:18pm
jewlz, What recipes do they demonstration and there saving tips? .
Mar 15, 8:38pm
you buy borax at the chemist, about $13 a bottle, watch out it's poison. Washing Soda crystals are great, have many many uses... . I use in our dishwasher, much much cheaper than dishwash powder and does the same job :)
Mar 16, 3:38pm
I make one using Lux soap Flakes (1cup) and soda crystals (1cup) in 30 litres water. No problems with slimy feel to clothing. But I do do my clothes in a warm wash as you need to make sure the lux flakes dissolve properly. I have been known to add 2-3 scoops of Persil Laundry Powder to the mix as well. A big thank You to the Lady who first posted this recipe its been well used by me and my family with no problems for over 2 years.
Nov 8, 11:43am
I use the same recipe, I just throw my cupful into some hot water first, give it a stir then chuck it in the machine. I only cold wash my clothes (2 adults 3 toddlers make too much washing for warm/hot washes! ). I do find in the winter clothes can feel a bit filmy, but it seems to be the lack of good strong sunlight. I avoid using the dryer where I can, so clothes are hung inside alot.
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