i wanted to start eating flaxseed because i know it is really good for you, i have a coffee grinder to grind the seeds, but i was wondering whether you would get the same health benefits if you added it to your food while you were cooking it? instead of sprinkling it over your food when you were finished. might post this in health&beauty too to see if anyone knows
Mar 14, 8:01pm
Hey - my food book states : Flaxseed Improves Kidney Function, Reduces the risk of Heart Disease and helps prevent cancer. It states under "Getting the Most" "BUY IT PROCESSED Many people sprinkle whole flaxseed on salads or fresh baked breads. Flaxseed in this form provides little benefit, however, because the body is unable to crack open the hard little shells. So it's actually best to buy the cracked or milled forms, which readily give up the nutritious goodness that is packed inside. "Flaxseed is a rich source of compounds called "lignans"- hope this is helpful to you crzyk8
Mar 14, 11:44pm
Yep, Ive had that - whole flaxseeds just go right through you. They're easy to sprout though - not sure if the benefits would be the same.
Mar 14, 11:59pm
I would recommend grinding, the previous posts are correct - whole seed go right through you. I use my coffee grind to mill mine and keep it in the fridge. I only grind enough at any one time to last a few days as it can spoil.
Mar 15, 12:13am
Hi, you are doing the right, you still the full benifit of the flaxseed after you, ve ground it. But if you are grinding in your coffe grinder after you have ground the coffee beans these neutilise the flaxseed, so hopefully your using a sepate grinder.
Mar 15, 12:14am
# 2, 3 & 4... . you need to re-read... . she has a grinder - so she will therefore grind them.
And my thoughts on sprinkling them while cooking would be not to do it as I know the flaxseed oil is very sensitive to heat. That's why it is really important to store your flaxseed in the fridge (ground and unground). I don't think it would be bad for you, probably just not as good as using raw ground flaxseed... . and yep only grind enough to last a week at atime
Mar 15, 12:21am
I know full well she has a coffee grinder. She asked if she could use them whole - and that was the answer - basically no, keep on grinding them as they add no value whole.
Mar 15, 12:23am
Oh I can't see where she asking whether she can use them whole... . must be my eyes! ! ? ! ? ! ? ! Where does she say that?
Oh and poster #1 - check this out http://www.askdrsears.com/html/4/T041700. asp
Mar 15, 12:33am
Just as you took it that we didn't know she had a grinder we took she was asking about using them whole.
Anyway, I am sure poster 1 can work out for herself / himself what they were asking or looking to find out.
Mar 15, 1:04am
Oh okay rightyo kirinesha... it's just that she didn't at all ask about using them whole as you previously assumed she was... . that's why I pointed out again that she has a grinder as it seemed you overlooked this - that's all
Mar 15, 5:23pm
For goodness sake is this about answering a person's question in the best way as you interpret it. Or... is it about one upmanship and pickiness. I am saddened at how recipes discussion has degenerated to this level in recent times. It used to be a happy . . sharing forum with a real sense of community. The person asking will sift out what is most hepful to her/him. Happy Days! !
Nov 4, 4:02pm
Hi you can also buy flax seed oil which i find the best.
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