Ground rice

cowman33, May 8, 11:16pm
where can i get ground rice from is it the same as semolina

245sam, May 8, 11:19pm
cowman33, ground rice is not the same as semolina which is a wheat product.:-))

cowman33, May 8, 11:24pm
thanks have been trying for ages to find ground rice for my uk recipees its called rice flour? in nz

lilyfield, May 9, 12:43am
Moshims have it. Also flaked rice which cooks up the same

pom-pom, May 9, 3:37am
Ground rice is not the same as rice flour as the rice flour is much finer. Ground rice (like we used in ground rice pud in the UK) can't be bought in the supermarket. It has the texture of polenta and can be purchased in Asian food stores. It's sometime called rice meal.

245sam, May 9, 11:19pm
cowman33, ground rice is not the same as semolina which is a wheat product.:-))

Edited to add Bin Inn as a suggested source of ground rice.

Hope that helps.:-))

pom-pom, May 10, 3:37am
Ground rice is not the same as rice flour as the rice flour is much finer. Ground rice (like we used in ground rice pud in the UK) can't be bought in the supermarket. It has the texture of polenta and can be purchased in Asian food stores. It's sometime called rice meal.

cowman33, Sep 7, 10:53pm
thanks i got some ground rice flour from new wold for bakewell tart(hubbys fav)but found it was a bit flat!