Hi would anyone have a easy pickled onion recipe please havent made them in ages but thought i might give it a go.Thanks
Apr 9, 10:38pm
hi olive, just on the left is a box headed message board, in the keyword or member type pickled onions, then in the date posted click on the little arrow on the right and then on anytime, then click search. You will find loads of recipes there, good luck, I love them but dont make them as I have sister that keeps us supplied.
Apr 9, 11:34pm
Pickled Onions (Aunt Daisy) Peel onions, place in jars. To each jar add 1tsp sugar & 3 peppercorns (or spices) Fil jar with cold vinegar & seal. Ready in 2 weeks
Apr 9, 11:37pm
Sorry this is in old imperial measurements....my mothers receipe...ages old.........but a goodie as its as easy as 1 quart vinegar 1/2 lb. honey pickling onions, peeled and washed
Mix vinegar and honey (quantity is approx 1.3 litres). Put onions in sterilised jars. Cover with vinegar and honey. Ready in 4 days
Apr 13, 8:44am
My grandad always made his like this and they taste great!Fill Jars with Onionsthen 3/4 fill the jar with Malt Vinegar then top up with cold water.Place in 3 to 4 peppercorns depending on the size of the jar and then top with 1 tablespoon of honey.This amount also depends on the size of the jar.Wait until the honey has run into the jar abit.Then put lids on and leave for 2 weeks until eating!
Apr 13, 10:12am
Peel onions, place in a jar, fill to top with spiced vinegar (if you can find spiced malted vinegar, better still) and leave for a couple of weeks - or as much longer as you like.I like to add lots of peeled cloves of garlic to mine, and a friend who is a chilli fiend, adds whole chillis to hers.They're so simple and cheap to make I can't imagine how they justify the cost of a jar of pickled onions in the shops!
Apr 13, 5:25pm
wow thank you for these I didn't realisehow easy they are to make...I will be making my own from now on
Aug 2, 7:04pm
Hint for peeling onions........ pour boiling water over the unpeeled onions and peel when cool enough to handle.
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