I use a bread maker and also use bread mix from Binn Inn etc in it. Recently I have noticed that the bread rises really well during the rising period of the breadmaker but when it has baked it as sunk some. It is still a good loaf of bread but just the top has gone from a nice raised "curve" to sunk down to the same level as the sides of the loaf. Can anyone think of a reason for this?I have had loaves previously wheer they have been as tall as the inside of the breadmaker as they have cooked touching the lid. Thanks so much in advance
Apr 2, 8:39pm
Our old Panasonic book says-- too much yeast or too much water. Had same problem years ago. In our case water was critical.
Apr 2, 8:43pm
gollycolly is on to it I reckon, also can be too long second rise too.
I don't use a breadmaker I do it the old fashioned way which I prefer and generally make sourdough its a delicate balance on a long proving to bake at exactly the right time.
Apr 2, 8:45pm
my boss has been having the same problem with the bread he bakes for the shop. It has something to do with the flour, in particular apparently some of the flour imported from Australia, which is weak. sorry don't know anything more than that though
Apr 2, 9:35pm
have givenup on binn inn bread mix. as much as they sound nice, they just dont seem to have the *wow* taste.
Apr 2, 10:01pm
thanks everyone. I have been pretty precise in my water content but have been winging it a little with the yeast so possibly over usage there. I shall get the measuring spoons out and be more accurate and see how that goes.
Apr 3, 6:59pm
I use a bread maker and also use bread mix from Binn Inn etc in it. Recently I have noticed that the bread rises really well during the rising period of the breadmaker but when it has baked it as sunk some. It is still a good loaf of bread but just the top has gone from a nice raised "curve" to sunk down to the same level as the sides of the loaf. Can anyone think of a reason for this!I have had loaves previously wheer they have been as tall as the inside of the breadmaker as they have cooked touching the lid. Thanks so much in advance
Apr 3, 8:43pm
gollycolly is on to it I reckon, also can be too long second rise too.
I don't use a breadmaker I do it the old fashioned way which I prefer and generally make sourdough its a delicate balance on a long proving to bake at exactly the right time.
Jul 19, 11:16am
my boss has been having the same problem with the bread he bakes for the shop. It has something to do with the flour, in particular apparently some of the flour imported from Australia, which is weak. sorry don't know anything more than that though
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