hey all, ive been making the edmonds louise cake receipe, but am having issues with the topping,beat egg whites to quite stiff, add sugar slowly at times, coconut then spread onto jam and bake in oven. looks fantastic when cooked and taken out of oven, then when it cools down, the topping goes soggy and merainge isnt nice and crisp?? any ideas please
Mar 27, 5:22pm
How much sugar are you adding?
Mar 27, 7:06pm
6 tblsp on caster sugar, sometimes normal white sugar
Mar 27, 7:11pm
if you want a crisp meringue weigh your egg whites and use twice the amount of sugar to whites.
Mar 27, 7:32pm
I add sugar and coconut together and beat or pulse briefly then spread.
Mar 27, 8:11pm
do you leave yours in the oven to cool down (as you would a pav) or just take straight out of oven?
Mar 27, 9:52pm
god i hate louise cake,mum used to bake it for our school lunches many years ago,and i've never liked it.
Mar 27, 11:21pm
thats not helpful advice!! anyone else got something positive to suggest
Mar 27, 11:23pm
Bollocks ;)
Mar 27, 11:33pm
The recipe I've made - Edmonds - has the coconut-meringue part so it's almost kinda juicy when eaten - with the surface only very slightly crisp-ish - most other Louise cakes I've eaten have been this way.
Mar 28, 12:52am
To get a meringue perfect you must have a really clean bowl.If there is a trace of grease or yolk it does not work properly.Beating well is the other thing.
Mar 28, 4:29am
I'm not sure that you can get the topping truly crisp for Louise cake - coconut has quite a bit of oil in it and deflates the egg white, sort of destroys the meringue effect. I haven't tried - I like it soft - but perhaps if you only very gently fold the coconut in at the end, and perhaps add more sugar and/or cook for longer at a lower temperature?
I do love Louise cake - such a great combination of flavours and textures. :-)
Mar 28, 5:28pm
super, thanks for all your ideas, off to bake another one, my teenager son loves louise cake.
Mar 28, 6:02pm
it is always slightly moist and will go this way when kept in a container..it shouldnt weep though. i use caster sugar as it dissolves far more quickly. I LOVE Louise cake I do it as a slice and make sure I use plenty of jam for the filling.
Mar 28, 11:41pm
I made this recipe the other day and found the louise type topping the best I've ever made - I think its the flour.(Its cherry almond slice BTW)
1 1/2 cups SR flour 150g butter 1/2 cup sugar Melt butter, add rest press into greased tin and bake 180 for 10 mins.
Mix 1/4 cup (maybe more) red jam, bit of almond essence and 1/4 cup chopped cherries Spread on base.
1 1/2 cups coconut 1/2 cup SR flour 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 50g melted butter 1tsp almond essence Mix, spread over jam and bake 20-30 mins 180.
Leave 10 mins before cutting.
Makes about 20 pieces and I have frozen it.
Quote bluebell42 (39 )4:31 pm, Sun 20 Feb #3
Mar 29, 4:22am
I make my Louise Cake in a slice tin too cookessentials.My husband would like me to make it every week - it's a real favourite of his.The topping is soft and not at all meringue like - just as he likes it!
Mar 27, 5:16pm
hey all, ive been making the edmonds louise cake receipe, but am having issues with the topping,beat egg whites to quite stiff, add sugar slowly at times, coconut then spread onto jam and bake in oven. looks fantastic when cooked and taken out of oven, then when it cools down, the topping goes soggy and merainge isnt nice and crisp! any ideas please
Mar 27, 5:22pm
How much sugar are you adding!
Mar 27, 8:11pm
do you leave yours in the oven to cool down (as you would a pav) or just take straight out of oven!
Mar 27, 9:52pm
god i hate louise cake,mum used to bake it for our school lunches many years ago,and i've never liked it.
Mar 27, 11:21pm
thats not helpful advice! anyone else got something positive to suggest
Mar 27, 11:33pm
The recipe I've made - Edmonds - has the coconut-meringue part so it's almost kinda juicy when eaten - with the surface only very slightly crisp-ish - most other Louise cakes I've eaten have been this way.
Mar 28, 4:29am
I'm not sure that you can get the topping truly crisp for Louise cake - coconut has quite a bit of oil in it and deflates the egg white, sort of destroys the meringue effect. I haven't tried - I like it soft - but perhaps if you only very gently fold the coconut in at the end, and perhaps add more sugar and/or cook for longer at a lower temperature!
I do love Louise cake - such a great combination of flavours and textures. :-)
Mar 28, 5:42am
Ahhhh the secret to Louise cake . Thank you all
Mar 28, 1:51pm
We used to put this topping on puff pastry as well, we also used apricot jam . We used proper "puff pastry", I doubt it would slice well, on flaky pastry. It was very popular.
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