Left over creamcheese icing

lissy73, Mar 20, 4:06pm
Does that mean I should make some morre carrot cake, maybe some muffins this time? Or are there other options for me?
Any ideas would be appreciated thanks :)

neville26, Mar 20, 4:12pm
um I would just eat it by the spoonful and feel absolutely gross afterwards!! lol Cream cheese icing is just the best!!

elliehen, Mar 20, 4:19pm
Make Lemon Muffins and while they're warm, split them and put a dollop inside.

lilyfield, Mar 20, 4:22pm
freeze it

wildflower, Mar 20, 9:45pm
I second the eating with a spoon.Of course I'd feel guilty for a week;)

lynja, Mar 20, 10:11pm
I have frozen it and used it for muffins or cakes when needed. freezes very well

kinna54, Mar 21, 12:46am
definitely freeze it if you can resisit eating it.

lissy73, Mar 21, 1:19am
Thanks for the answers :)
My hubby has been eating it... and adding to his slices of carrot cake
I made the lemon muffins and will try one with dessert, and will freeze the rest.
How long can I expect the icing to last for?

lissy73, Mar 21, 4:06pm
Does that mean I should make some morre carrot cake, maybe some muffins this time! Or are there other options for me!
Any ideas would be appreciated thanks :)

neville26, Mar 21, 4:12pm
um I would just eat it by the spoonful and feel absolutely gross afterwards! lol Cream cheese icing is just the best!

elliehen, Mar 21, 4:19pm
Make Lemon Muffins and while they're warm, split them and put a dollop inside.

suie1, Mar 21, 6:23pm
Leftover cream cheese icing, never heard of it *giggles & runs out*

valtrin, Mar 21, 6:29pm
I always find it makes a great coating for a spoon.

wildflower, Mar 21, 9:45pm
I second the eating with a spoon.Of course I'd feel guilty for a week;)

lissy73, Jul 1, 5:13pm
Thanks for the answers :)
My hubby has been eating it. and adding to his slices of carrot cake
I made the lemon muffins and will try one with dessert, and will freeze the rest.
How long can I expect the icing to last for!