Gluten Free Recipes

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earthangel4, Mar 17, 5:41pm
Another bump for jack.
Jack if you need help with anything let me know.

earthangel4, Mar 18, 8:51pm
If you are around,would you have a recipe for blue berry muffins,using bakels flour please.
May thanks in advance .

earthangel4, Mar 19, 3:42pm
It would have to be dairy free as well,have an allergy to casein+

melford, Mar 20, 12:44am
Blueberry Muffins
2 large cups Bakels Flour
3 tsps baking powder
1 cup frozen berries
1 cup milk (try rice milk instead earthangel)
1 dsp custard powder
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
¼ cup canola oil
Sift flour, custard powder & BP. Add sugar and berries.
Beat eggs milk and oil together and add to first mixture.
Spoon into greased or sprayed muffin tins 15-20 minutes 160 C Fan Bake

melford, Mar 20, 11:17pm
New Products - Range of Sandhus Premium Butter Chicken, Tikka Masala, Lamb Masala. No preservatives, all natural ingredients, no clourings. I have tried the Tikka Masala - beautiful. As far as I can tell they are gluten free. Sold by Countdown supermarkets. Website

milkybar4, Apr 10, 4:25am
lavender puffs:

1/2 small bottle of cream, 5 tablespoons of sugar, 2 teaspoon vanilla essence - mix this all vigorously until sugar dissolved - or mostly.chop finely lavender leaves - a tablespoon full, and two flowers. mix in.
Mix in 5 tablespoon custard powder (edmonds) and about 1 1/2 cup bakels bread baking mix. to form a wet biscuit dough. roll into balls using custard powder to dry outside so is managable and flatten onto greased tray. bake 180 celcius for about 10 minutes until golden and risen.
these were a put together of what was in cuboard mixed with t.v inspiration and are actually really nice : ) nice tea cake sort of things. they were meant to be biscuits but bread mix apparently rises lol. so could replace for normal flour (gf flour i mean) to get shortbready bikkie

nzbadger, Apr 10, 1:53pm
Do you need a GF Ginger Crunch recipe, as I have a nice one!

seano7, Apr 10, 8:12pm
Yes badger frillys do sell flour just e mail them and ask and they will provide. Scone flour mix bread mix. and they always chuck in extra. At easter i paid for 2 dozen hot cross buns but also recieved ginger crunch brownies and some chocolate caramel slice. I must say all that was to die for

nzbadger, Apr 13, 4:47am
Aren't you self promoting!!! I would expect you would get extra as don't you own the business!

frances1266, Apr 28, 6:36am
bumping for celiacs and gluten intolerant

clcleggers, May 3, 8:42pm
hi, i am new to being a coeliac member, i have suffered for 2 years with intense pains that see me in hospital, vomiting blood at time and all they did was think it was gall stones or constipation. finally the specialist did a gastroscopy and woo hoo i got a diagnosis, my bloods had always come back negative btw.the pian would be gone for weeks and then wham id be in bed on tramadol and codeine to dull the pain. it got to the stage where i didnt bother going to the doctor anymore as they would just morphine me up to dull the pain and send me home and then it would be back with avengance when the morphine wore off.i just dosed myself and the kids and hubby manages without me.
i rand winz yesturday as i was told i could get a subsidy but apparently 50K is too high an income to qualify!there are 4 of us in my family and my 8 year old son and i are fighting the doctors now to get him a gastroscopy to be diagnosed as well as he suffers like me and always has a sore tummy and diarhoea but at least his pains are not as intense as mine.
i want to say thanks so much for all these recipes and hints, as the books are so expensive and i have no idea where to start!

earthangel4, May 5, 1:42am
There is a gluten free book out at new world,I think it is called gluten free cooking,I have seen vol one and two.
I think it is put out my the Healthy food book,you get once a month.
The cost for the books are $12.00.

earthangel4, May 5, 1:43am
Sorry it ismean,t to read $12.00 each.

earthangel4, May 5, 4:59pm
I have lost my gf recipe book,that I had made.
I am looking for the recipe for hamburger buns made in the micawave,would anyone have it please.

geldof, May 5, 6:27pm
Do you mean the LSA microwave bun, Earthangel!

earthangel4, May 5, 6:54pm
Ah thank you,that is the one.

geldof, May 5, 9:00pm
Did you find it, or would you like me to re post it!

earthangel4, May 6, 6:29am
Sorry have been at work,could you re post it please.

pommyjohn1, May 6, 3:46pm
Here ya go ,works well but with Vogels GF Bread no longer needed

3 heaped Tblspoons of lsa
1 heaped tblspoon of any gluten free flour
1\4 tpspoon of baking powder
mix together and then add.
one egg and splotch of water.

mix well together and then stick in bowl small like size of burger bun .

put in mircowave for 2mins and walah awesome 2 min bun, or slice for toast .

pommyjohn1, May 6, 3:50pm
Discovered Pam's Pumkin Cup of Soup at Pak N Save on the weekend listed as having a trace of gluten unlike others in the range.I had no probs so I suspect the trace is just to cover theirselves

earthangel4, May 6, 4:08pm
Thanks so much,I too like vogels bread,especially the fruit bread for breakfast,when hubby wants home made burgers,I make gf ones,and really like this recipe,thanks so much,you are a gem.

earthangel4, May 6, 4:11pm
I tried going off gf,but was so silly,started bleeding from the bowel,have ceoliac,just not worth it.
I enjoy having quiches make up a huge batch and put in freezer,also mini pizzas good to take to work.
I have to start again,and get some recipes written out again.
I also like salads and meat for a change.

pommyjohn1, May 6, 4:36pm
Know what you mean ,I believe many coeliacs can tolerate oats but I sure as hell don't intend trying them

earthangel4, May 6, 5:50pm
I ordered once in hospital,they would not give it to me,as they said not for coeliacs,lol

earthangel4, May 6, 5:54pm
Have you looked at dr fords lunch box ideas,he has a few books out,there is also gf sausages,cherrios,mini pizzas,Kebab snacks,plain pop corn,corn chips,all in his book,hope this helps.
I work 3-11,so take baked veges and meat,boiled eggs,salads,gf wraps ect.