Hi, does anyone have a recipe for the above.Would be much appreciated.
Mar 7, 8:24pm
Chop 2 onions finely and a cauliflower into small florets. Put into saucepan and add 1 tin crushed pineapple (strain juice beforehand) small teaspoon of salt and half cup sugar. Add enough white vinegar/wine vinegar to strained pineapple juice to make up to 300ml. Cook for 25-30mins. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons curry powder (depending how hot you like your relishes) and one tablespoon of flour to thicken. Cook flour then pour into hot jars.
Mar 8, 1:04am
is this the same as say tomato relish. does it keep for months or is it a eat in a month type.
Mar 9, 12:55pm
Thanks for that ... sounds yummy.Will have to try it:-)
Nov 1, 9:44pm
I am going to try this one at the weekend. Last weekend I made the recipe out of Digby Laws book and it tasted awful. A very pale colour even though I did add some tumeric at the end. Tasted as though it needed either more sugar or salt. Anyone here tried Laws recipe and what did you think.
Nov 1, 9:46pm
petal is the pineapple used a 410 tin or the smaller one. I am guessing it would be the bigger tin.
Nov 2, 1:12am
I made the green tomato pickle out of Digby's book and it was quite overly vinegary when I tasted the first batch a few months later. Seems to be settling down now and my husband luuuuurves it! I do find he suggests using far more salt and sugar than I would these days, but that's something you can experiment with, I guess.
Nov 4, 8:05pm
Ok I am making petals recipe as above but the 300mlsis only about 1 1/2 cups of liquid. Does not sound enough to me would anyone know if it is right or will it cook down a little and look better.TIA
Nov 4, 8:39pm
It has turned out well and tastes very yummy. So the small amount of liquid was ok after all.
Jan 11, 1:47am
That's what we've all been waiting for! Great potsgni!
Jan 13, 7:12am
---???????????????--- ---???????????????--- ----?????????????---- -??--???????????--??- ????-???????????-???? ??????????????????????????-????-???????????????????-?-?-??????-??????????????????-????????????????????????????Hey Victoria! Mia Here. I asked Disney If You Had A Website For your Buisness And she Said Ya So We Looked It Up I Love Your Label For The Buisness! Hope I Can Come Over Soon! Luv Ya! -Mia Hey mom its Disney l love your website. I cant wait to try your PICKLES! again hhahaa. you have the best pickles in the WORLD! I love your pickles and you. ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????(M)(i)(a) ??? (D)(i)(s)(n)(e)(y) ??????? ????????????? (????)_(?)(?)_______????????___(?)(?) (?)(?)(?)__ ???__ ?????? (?)(?)(?) _(?)(?)___??____???????? (?)(?) _________??____??????? __________??____??????? ___________??____ ?????__(?)(?) ____________??_____??___(?)(?)(?) ____________ ??____??_____(?)(?) _____________??__????______? ________?? _?? ???????____?_? _(?)(?)___???_ ??_??????__ ?? (?)(?)(?)______??_??????___? _(?)(?)_____ _??_?????_____ ? ___________ ??__????_?____?? __________ ??__????___?__?? _________ ??___?????__??_________??__ ???????? _______?___ ?????????? __________ ???????????? _________?????????????? ________???????????????? ______ ?????????????????? _______________?? ?? _(?)(?)_________??_?? (?)(?)(?)_______??__?? _(?)(?)_________??__ ?? _______________??__?? _______________?? ?? _______________??? ______????????? _______???___??____(?)(?) ______???____ ??__ (?)(?)(?) ______?_______??____(?)(?) ______________??? ______________?????[]
Jan 14, 3:50am
Great hammer of Thor, that is porwefully helpful!
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