We have a Tupperware one that my mum bought years ago and never used - it has a big thick handle so would be easy to grip for someone with, say, arthritis and the blade part is the perfect width for 1kg blocks of cheese.I will see if I can find a listing for a similar one on here but otherwise check out your local hospice or op shops - ours always have Tupperware and you might get lucky
Mar 6, 7:44pm
The Chef'n only take 500g blocks. Sun are brilliant.
Mar 6, 9:25pm
I sympathise as I have limited hand use as well and over the years, thru downright stubborness I have developed ways & means to adapt to the issues this causes. I find the plastic wire ones ok, and have had mine for yonks!. The metal slide/slice I sometimes have to use 2 hands, and find it cumbersome. I also have one of the u beaut scraper peelers bought years ago at a cooking demo stand, but I find that a right pain. Stick with the wire, place the block on a flat surface, and use 2 hands to steady the wire as you cut.
Mar 7, 1:37am
If anyone is interested in the chef n cheese I just saw that they have them on offtheback today for $17
Mar 7, 1:38am
Haha the link was posted ^^^^
Mar 7, 7:17pm
we use the cheese slicers that are made from stainless steel look like a egg/pavolava slice scoop . flat bottom and has a gap near the top Most dutch shops have them but so do a lot of op shops. warehouse. K mart. etc.I have had nmine for over 40 years and my kids have had there ones for years now too now its the grandies time and theyhave had theirs for 3 years so good to buy and easy to use even with my old hands.
Jun 11, 5:53pm
The Chef'n only take 500g blocks. Sun are brilliant.
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