recipe she made on tv is just lovely and so easy to make, made it last night and tried some with a salad for lunch, now am going to try it on a baked potato as sour cream tonight. Going to try and make greek yoghurt next in my easi yo yoghurt maker anyone got a good thick creamy sucessfull recipe they could share..
Oct 12, 6:51pm
you can get an greek yogurt mix for your easi yo yogurt maker. Also type in greek yogurtin the search menu and date posted
Oct 12, 9:51pm
I agree with you fifie. I made some at the weekend. It is really nice. i stirred some through mashed potatoes too. It's good on crackers.
Oct 13, 5:00am
can you post the recipe please?
Oct 13, 1:51pm
Yoghurt cheese,Annabel Langbein
Mix 4 cups greek yoghurt to 1 tsp salt, pour it into a bowl lined with cheese cloth or a damp clean chux cloth leaveon the bench overnight (if its cool in kitchen.) or in fridge Next day tip the cheese into another bowl, discard whey, chop up a little rosemary very fine and some chives finely, and one more herb finely,thyme or basil mix all together and put in fridge,.
Mix salt with the natural yogurt. Line a sieve with two layers of cheesecloth (or strong paper towels or clean Chux cloths). Place sieve over a large bowl and drain for 2 days In two days, chop up herbs finely and place on a plate. On another plate, place some of your favourite spice mix. Roll the drained yogurt into balls and then roll in herbs or spices. Place in a clean glass jar with olive oil.
Oct 13, 2:31pm
I hate cooking programmes - but for some reason I absolutely love Annabel Langbeins (sp) programme, it's riviting and I want to be her, to live in her house, in her neighbourhood and cook like her.
Oct 13, 9:07pm
Funny that cos I love cooking show but I find her very hard to watch.
Oct 13, 11:36pm
thankyou pam.delilah for taking the time to post that recipe
Oct 14, 12:02am
that okay enjoy . I have made some and it really nice on rice crakers
Oct 14, 12:23am
Which recipe did you use? They seem to have the same amount of yoghurt but the salt is different.
Oct 14, 1:19am
I wasn't impressed with Annabels yoghurt cheese...I think it tastes a bit bland and needs a boost with something tasty
Oct 14, 1:36am
I made up 500gm yougurt with about 1 tsp of salt, as I do not like things too salty
Oct 14, 3:58am
Thanks for that pam didn't realise i could get it for the yoghurt maker. Just made another heap of the cheese my lot can't seem to get enough of it must be all this hot weather we are getting here, its going down quite nicely with the crackers and drinkies lol.
Oct 14, 1:51pm
What I have been finding is the salt is relatively unimportant as all the excess comes out in the whey leaving much the same saltiness in the cheese whatever amount of salt you started with.
Oct 14, 4:43pm
Your right there beaker, im supposed to be salt free diet so add very little around 1/4 tsp per 500 gr pottle of yoghurt, can't taste the difference, but i do add heaps of fresh herbs for flavour it seems needs these...
Oct 14, 9:11pm
My sister said exactly the same thing pamellie,also something about Stepford wife,meaning I think that it all looked tooooo perfect.
Annabel has long been my favourite NZ food writer.I find her recipes very reliable and have been to her cooking classes at Ruth Pretty's in Te Horo.She is a real hoot and great fun in person and seemed to love the classes as much as we did.She also came across as quite serious about her food although not at all in a stuffy way.
Dec 13, 12:12am
Has anyone tried to make a baked cheesecake with this type of cheese?
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