Idiot proof cheese sauce recipe please

sallyannee1, Jul 18, 5:22am
mine always ends up with lumps...

trading_gibsons, Jul 18, 5:23am
Secret is to use a whisk, not a spoon

karenz, Jul 18, 5:24am
Use cornflour.Melt butter in pyrex jug in the microwave, add cornflour and a little milk and microwave, the add more milk and mircowave, smooth the lumps out each time you do it, then when it is the right consistency add grated cheese and microwave, if it is too thick just add more milk and keep on microwaving until it is right.

sallyannee1, Jul 18, 5:25am
How much corn flour karenz please?

gaspodetwd, Jul 18, 5:42am
So true. And take off the heat until you have most of the milk incorporated.

karenz, Jul 18, 5:49am
Depends how much you want to make, for abou 2 cupfulls maybe a heaped tablespoon.

karenz, Jul 18, 5:50am
The beauty of microwaving is you can always blend more cornflour with a little milk and add to thicken up.Just have to smooth the lumps out against the side of the jug.

elliehen, Jul 18, 7:18am
The top tip!Stir in the first measure of milk to thicken it OFF the heat, and then return it to a gentle heat and add more a little at a time.

sallyannee1, Jul 18, 7:25am
thanks all. much appreciated!

nzhel, Jul 19, 12:41am
I make cheese sauce a lot and use flour to thicken. I whisk the flour and milk together (with seasonings) then pour into a small pot and stir till thickened and cooked. I then add grated tasty cheese and stir again until melted. It never has lumps and is always successful and tasty. It might not be the 'proper' way but it works everytime for me!

lx4000, Jul 19, 2:28am
NEVER stop stirring until its finished thickening!!

Always melt ya butter then off the heat add your flour and mix in a little milk if needed to make a thin paste with no lumps.

If lumps are there, whisk them out!

Add your veggie cooking water (for a lighter not so heavy sauce) or milk then thicken STIRRING TILL THICKENED. Always make sure you use a wooden spoon and go round the sides and all round the bottom of the pot! Medium heat.

Have fun:) Thats the basic white sauce I make and add cheese, sauté onions, herbs etc to:)

lythande1, Jul 19, 2:37am
Cornflour? No! Melt butter, add flour, stir vigorously - add your milk - keep stirring.
Add cheese, keep stirring, add more milk to adjust if too thick.
Actually you can stop stirring, I've done it, then stir vigorously again and the lumps vanish.

sarahb5, Jul 19, 3:09am
And don't add the cheese while the sauce is still on the heat.

holdenss, Jul 19, 3:28am
Your onto It! thats how the pros do It. Never fails!

imn, Jul 19, 4:59am
well Ive discovered the 'lazy' way. tried it and it works a treat.put the butter, flour and milk together in a pot. (yea I thought it was crazy too). turn element on around half way and keep stirring with a whisk. after a while it all blends together and no lumps. add more milk if needed. great way and fast.

perle, Jul 19, 6:16am
melt butter, add ur flour to make a roux, cook it off a lil bit to get rid of the "floury" taste. Then for the best bit, pour in chicken stock whisking vigourisly,then a dash of milk, or be naughty and dash cream!! stir thru ur grated cheese till melted and voila!! best cheese sauce ever. Using chicken stock somewhat enhances the cheese flavour and is to die for. I used to make my cheese sauce the old fashioned way using full milk, NEVER AGAIN!!!
Also using stock = no lumps!! its fabulous!!

loislane1, Jul 19, 9:04am
Another vote here for the mix flour and milk together with seasonings and then add that to the melted butter, and cook from there.

lyl_guy, Nov 26, 12:13pm
Yep!! It works, with cold cubed butter, and cold milk, all in together with flour.The trick is the milk is COLD not warm.Delia Smith taught me that, and I've not looked back. I used to do the Roux method, and was good at it, but the above method actually comes out 'silkier' IMO.