does any one have the recipe for alison holst's (that is Dame Alison!) spiced apple cake...
has a crumble topping on it (perhaps rolled oats and sugar)
Feb 25, 2:34am
duckmoon, the following recipe is from Trademe Cooks, but I am not sure if it is one of Dame Alison's.....
"Spiced Apple Cake Topping: 1/2 c wholegrain oats, 1/4 c raw sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon, 35g melted butter. To make: melt the butter in a fairly big pot (use the same pot again later), put together with other topping ingredients into food processor, and process a little till oats are chopped and crumbly. Tip into a bowl or cereal plate and set aside. Cake: 2 small cooking apples or granny smiths, grated (can grate in food processor if you have a grater disc thing), 1/2 c sugar and 1/2 c raw sugar, 1 egg, 125g butter, 1.5 c wholemeal or white flour, 1 tsp baking soda, 2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp allspice, 1/4 tsp salt. Melt butter in pot (same one as before), leave in pot and beat in sugar, apples and egg, sift in dry ingredients and mix with spoon just until there are no dry patches left. Spread into 9" square tin (8" would probably do), with the bottom lined with paper, or sprayed with nonstick goo. Sprinkle the topping over the dough, pressing in a bit with a fork if necessary. Bake at 180 C (350F) for 40-45 mins until sides shrink a little from the edge of the tin and the centre springs back when pressed. I don't use fanbake for this. posted by":-))
Feb 25, 7:26pm
tx sam...
Apr 17, 9:38pm
thats what i want I can not find my copy of her food processor book
Dec 4, 3:58am
I saw her show for the first time...Loved what she cooked...and enjoyed her style...I am glad she has the show on my favorite the Southern California area on PBS. Thank you for posting some of her recipes I saw today... I hope PBS has more of them!!! KMD
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