Not wanting to spend all day slaving over a hot stove...i have tried toasties/cheese on toast/homemade pies/muffins and the list goes on... any idea for a SURE WINNER at my wits end!!!
Feb 22, 6:51pm
Mmm, if they were starving, they would probably eat their own hand! What age teenager are we talking about?
Feb 22, 6:55pm
get them to make their own snacks for a change
Feb 22, 7:56pm
Teenagers are always starving, esp boys!. Mine will eat pies (microwaved!, because the oven takes too long) noodles, toasties, fruit, carrots, half a loaf of toast. Anything really
Feb 22, 8:00pm
Are you saying that your teenage does not like the things you have gone to the effort of making?
Feb 22, 8:08pm
get them to make their own... old enough me thinks!
Feb 22, 8:15pm
blardy heck. you cook for your teens after school snack!!!????
my 14yr old comes home, has yogurt, crackers with peanut butter, jam etc. pizza snacks (I turn oven on before he gets home), biscuits etc.but I sure dont 'cook'!
If the teen wants a cooked snack then let them make it themselves!
Feb 22, 11:20pm
bread and jam, toast and marmite...and tell the dude to make it him/herself and clean up afterwards
Feb 22, 11:22pm
mine gets noodles or a sandwich and made by his own hand, if he doesn't like it he can wait until dinner!
Feb 23, 12:03am
Either starving or fuzzy - cannot be both :)
Feb 23, 12:08am
If they can't or won't make their own snacks serve them baby food. Bet they learn real quick.
Feb 23, 12:24am
Give him a recipe book, let him pick what he wants, then show him where the ingredients are
Feb 23, 4:49pm
Heaps of breakfast cereal - leftover dated cheapies from the bakery
Feb 23, 4:56pm
my teen nephews come over and raid my pantry after school.They are only allowed to help themselves to either left overs in my fridge, shit loads of toast, eggs, noodles or fruit / cereal.No biscuits, chippies or ice cream.If they dont want that - then they have to wait til I get home and stay for dinner.BTW.... they have to make their own snack, and clean up after too.
Feb 23, 5:09pm
Great - set them up for obesity and diabetes later in life :)
Feb 23, 5:17pm
Give them a meal like meat and veges i.e. their tea when they get home.Otherwise in your muffins put extra eggs and courgettes and carrots and LSA or nuts and seeds.Just don't tell them what's in them.Alternatively you could make tigers milk smoothies (google) with a couple of raw eggs in.Make sure you float the eggs in water first to check that they are fresh.Again don't tell them what's in it.Berries, soymilk, eggs,brewers yeast, flaxseed oil, banana.Give them some fat too.
Feb 23, 5:21pm
Omit the soy milk in the above recipe - if you can - and use cream or coconut cream instead :)
Feb 23, 5:25pm
lol... putting the kids on the atkins diet are we?
To be honest... that egg smoothie posted up there, doesnt sound like the kinda thing a fussy teen would go for.... dunno..
Feb 23, 5:26pm
A sure winner is to make double quantity dinners and put the leftovers in the fridge for the next afternoon with a note saying 'Help Yourself!'I'm betting they'll even eat them stone cold.Teenagers are not lazy, they are 'inert'.It's a stage that young humans go through, and will pass :)
Feb 23, 5:35pm
lol, a raw egg smoothie vs a pie, its a no brainer what a teen would pick. Honestly, pick those with the low carb agenda. Children need carbs and its hardly setting them up for health issues by feeding them after school snacks they enjoy and burn off anyway.
Feb 23, 5:36pm
We used to go through HEAPS of cereal, but for some reason no one likes it anymore?, which is typical. I will biff it and then they will ask me to buy it again
Feb 23, 5:55pm
Did you know it takes 20 years for diabetes or heart disease to manifest itself? Amazing isn't it, how diabetes, rather than striking now in old age, is becoming more and more prevalent in people much younger and the statistics for those getting heart and vascular problems is a steadily rising tide, including people quite young.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the sorts of sugary, high grain and starchy foods that people feel the children in their care"can eat"with impunity. Maybe, maybe not.
I'd think it a very sad thing if I outlived my children, or their ability to reproduce was compromised because I was less than careful about how I nourished them.
Feb 23, 6:17pm
Mc Donalds and easily readily avail fastfoods are the biggest issue I think buzzy
Feb 23, 7:11pm
Really. So that lets all the foods suggested in here as good foods to feed a growing child on after school, off the hook does it?
Let's list them so that you can decide for yourself:
Pies, toasties, muffins, b/f cereal, noodles, half a loaf of bread, jam, pizza, peanut butter, flavoured yoghurt (because I doubt they'd be plain), crackers and bakery cheapies.
By your reckoning the ever growing statistics of younger and ever younger people with diabetes and heart diseases is all down to McDonalds. So if we got rid of McDonalds we would live in a healthy society!! Well I never.
Feb 23, 8:19pm
buzzy110...seriously, why not just go and take a nap, or have some quiet time.
You are on overdrive all over the messageboards and your self-absorbed postings in the face of what is going on in Christchurch are quite disturbing.
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