I work at a school and have volunteered with a friend to do a big lot of baking for the cake stall (which I am also manning). We are going to spend the whole day with 2 mixers at my home on Labour Day Monday. The gala is not until the Saturday 30th. I know I will need to freeze most of this until the Thursday. A question - am I best to ice it when I bring it out or before it goes in. Some slices need to be iced and cut while warm. Do you think leave the large cakes until the day before. We need to tray it all up on the Friday afternoon so its all ready to go. I hope to do about 10 fruit or ginger loaves, at least 6 banana cakes,6 chocolate cakes and about 200 different biscuits. And also about 10 slices. Anyone have any other suggestions. The schoolis providing the butter,sugar,eggs etc. Yes some of the parents may send a cake or 2 but as it is a low income area alot wont. The mass bake day wont be a chore as I love to cook.
Oct 18, 6:06am
Any fudge slices Honey or Golden Syrup Rice Bubble slice Lolly cake
Quick easy Choc Crunch 125gr butter 1c coconut 1TBSP cocoa 1c flour 1/2c sugar 1tsp vanilla essence Melt butter & pour over dry ingredients. Press into a sponge roll tin & bake 20 -30 mins @ 180. Ice when cold.
Good luck with your mission.
Just seen a thread under this with slices & biscuits.
Oct 18, 7:42am
I made the chocolate cake recipe that you make in a roasting dish and instead made it into 2 ring tinw, one round tin and a loaf tin.it is a really easy recipe if you are wanting to make a bulk lot of chocolate cakes.i iced them all and put 2 of them in the freezer for later.
Oct 18, 7:54am
Tanks raewyn I already have that one on my list. I made it a few weeks back to try it. Ialso cut the sugar back and also the cocoa. Thanks jessie for your recipe also.
Oct 18, 8:02am
This is what i did for our school gala last weekend:
my kenwood chef makes a 4x batch of my favourite biscuits. I mix a quad-batch, and then used my 70ml ice cream scoop to "roll" the dough into balls (it was like the woman on Nestle NZ Best Homebaker had). And put the balls into a takeaway containers...
then I wrote instructions on the lid of the container and sent them to school as "cookie dough".
It was amazing... My quad batch fitted into six containers - so people were only purchasing 2/3rd of a batch - and they were sold for $7!!!!
and because I can mix the dough, but not every cookie turns out perfect, it was a great way to guarantee the salability of it.
Oct 18, 8:03am
also fudge (russian fudge is my favourite) and coconut ice are products which have the greatest "cost/sale price" ratio
Oct 18, 9:36am
I found when we had a gala day the big slabs of cake went well...
Oct 19, 2:49am
Alebix I am doing a few of the meatdish cakes and was going to cut them into either 2 or 4. I thought we would make more money doing them that way.
Oct 19, 2:54am
Yes, thats how we sold our last lot. Either in halves or whole (we have greedy ones here)..
Oct 19, 3:10am
Because about 75% of our parents would not know how to bake a cake is why I am going to put a big effort into this mission. Because they dont bake they go down to the local bakery or supermarket and buy one and give that. So we do need to have home baked stuff and plenty of it.
Oct 19, 8:33am
I wouldn't freeze iced cakes; let them thaw then ice them. Rice bubble crackle is always a good seller.
Oct 19, 9:43am
How about making up bags of sherbert. Also single sales of shortbread cut into shapes with bright icing & 100's & 1000's on, would be a good fundraiser.
Oct 19, 9:55am
I would do some advertising in the school, about parents purchasing cakes; people don't purchase supermarket cakes from cake stall; the school is better off if parents donate the cash (and they get 1/3rd back from a reciept at the end of the year, 1/3rd back on the tax return).
if we get a supermarket cake, we cut it up and slice it by the slice; otherwise it never sells
Oct 19, 10:27am
Another real good seller is marshmellow scewersplace different coloured marshmellows on a scwerer and then treakle a little chocolate over them they sell for 1.00 each and a lot can be made from the large packets of marshmellows from the warehouse or supermarkets
Oct 19, 10:42am
Don't freeze ICED cakes, biscuits etc. You'll have to finish them the night before.Sugar and water (from freezing/thawing) do not mix. Google Nanimo Bars, or ask me for my receipt. They last forever :-)
Oct 19, 6:13pm
I would not ice anything until it comes out of freezer as it tends to have a ''ive been frozen look about it'' it is easy enough to ice a whole huge amount of things once they are sitting waiting than to only ice a few and then to remake, take you time making sure they are air tight before freezing as this can really determine what the cake is like once thawed, good luck what a great thing you doing
Oct 19, 9:46pm
For our recent Pink Ribbon Day baking stall, I made dozens of cupcakes and iced them in different ways with different pink sprinkles. They looked great and I was told they were snapped up within minutes. They also said that the best sellers were icecream container lids with maybe 8 different slices of slice on them (if you know what I mean) One year I made Xmas cakes with instructions on feeding and keeping until Xmas, they were also great sellers at this time of year. ps - I'd freeze biscuits no problem and anything iced with a white icing would be fine. I wouldn't freeze anything that has been iced with a chocolate icing though, as they can sometimes defrost with a cloudy look.
Oct 19, 9:58pm
and make carrot cakes too as i have found they sell well and are cheaper to make
Oct 19, 10:37pm
if you make a good chocolate brownie then ice it with ganache it will freeze and thaw perfectly
Oct 20, 3:09am
I know its not baking but my favourite at gala days is toffee apples but I dont see them around these days
Oct 20, 3:39am
Thanks for all your ideas. With the price of apples at the moment it puts us off making 200 toffee apples. Yes we are doing sherbert and the rice bubble slice. Also doing lots of popcorn and rolling it in the caramel mix that I got off this board. Because I cannot get hold of enough loaf tins I wondered about buying the foil ones and leaving the loaf in it to sell. They would be smaller than tins but thats ok.
Oct 21, 7:42am
try this you can make muffins loafs or cakes your choice and so easy and goes a long way
I make this once a week makes a small rosat pan size cake
3.5 c flour 3.5 c sugar 3 t/s Baking powder 1.5 c cocoa 1 cup oil 2 cups milk 3 t/s baking soda 1 t/s salt 4 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups of boiling water (added at end)
Put all ingredients (except for the water) in a large bowl mix well to a batter. add boiling water and mix till smooth bake in the over at 160 for 1hr. you can split the mix and make two smaller cakes or make 1 smaller cake and put the rest into muffin tins the choice is completely up to you. this is an excellent cake if you have a large family or just want to impress people. gets moister by the day so stays nice and fresh very simular to mud cake.
Oct 21, 7:45am
oh yeah and you won't need to freeze as gets better by the day
Oct 21, 8:36am
made a batch of this cake today actually hooksie :) I put some of the mixture into muffin tins (in cake cases) and they only took about 20 mins to bake. The rest of the mixture went into two cake tins which needed the full hour.
Oct 22, 5:06am
great to hear your sucess lizab yes if you break the cake up and make muffins etc you need to change the cooking time but its easy to work it all out
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