School canteens/tuckshops

rivercottage1, Jul 11, 6:24pm
hello,our son goes to a small rural school (75 kids), and at present they have no
options for a brought lunch day. i have worked in food service a long time and think that i could provide that service to the school. i have use of a commercial kitchen. the bot think its a good idea and have oked me to explore options.
my question to you is what is provided at your school and how much do you pay for a childs lunch.
also does anyone know if you are governed by the education dept.
thank you in advance

davidt4, Jul 11, 6:59pm
Do you mean brought or bought?

ruby19, Jul 12, 1:03am
I always thought a soup kitchen would be great in the winter at schools with perhaps a bread roll to accompany it.

vixx11, Jul 12, 1:24am
The Rural school my daughter goes to 230 kiddiies... Mon, Tuesday Subway delivers. Wed, Thur and Friday they have a bakery that delivers.$3 and you get the choice of...
a) Chicken or Ham Salad bun
b) Chicken or Ham small sandwich (no salad) with a little fresh cream donut
c) Mince Pie.

Every Friday the Snr Kids sell milk and cookies...

Not sure if this helps?

rivercottage1, Jul 12, 2:50am
wow they allow pies, i thought the pc police would of put a stop to that! - nothing wrong with a pie now and again i say.
yes had thought of soup.

babytears, Jul 12, 2:54am
Pies, sausage rolls, ham rolls/buns, flavoured milk, juice, soup n bun, fruit, baked potatoes with toppings, cake slices, muffins,

vintagekitty, Jul 12, 3:05am
I have a price list here for primary school
Club Sandwich (ham or chicken) $4 dble
Filled roll $4 (ham, chick, salad)
mac & cheese $5
American Hotdog $4
Nacho's $5
Soup (tom, pumpkin, chick, vege)$5 - Cup with bread roll
Pie $4 (chick, mince, mince & cheese)
Cream doughnut $3
Lamington $3
choc chip cookie $2
fresh fruit salad $4
lollie slice $2
caramel slice $2
piece of seasonal fruit 50c

I dont have one here for college, but the boys can have a cooked lunch as the canteen provides cookedlunchs for the boarders, so day boys can order if they want. Its $7.50 and it ranges from Lasagne to roast meals

rivercottage1, Jul 12, 3:42am
oh thank you so much vintagekitty this is great- its a primary school here.;-)

norse_westie, Jul 12, 3:49am
My kids primary school doesnt have one and every few years they ask the parents - but the majority say no thanks.

However late last year we had a local cafe catering for us on Fridays - the food was cafe quality and very very nice. Lasagna was very popular.

vintagekitty, Jul 12, 4:22am
you are welcome:). Those prices have just gone up, everything used to be $1 or so cheaper.

patsy3, Jul 12, 5:25am
Large school here 450 kids to year 6. Only have lunch orders Tues and Fri, from local cafe. Lunch order is $7.50 and has three things.choose some from a,b,c.
a. Pie / filled roll / mac cheese / pizza
b. large cookie / muffin / ??
c. Juice / juicy / milk drink / frozen yoghurt thingie
You can buy the individual itemsfor cheaper.
To be honest I only buy it on birthdays, as I think it is too much $
The elder girls go to high school, and more affordable there from tuck shop. They are happy if you flick them $2

kinna54, Jul 12, 6:18am
go for it, I'm sure you will be a success! I helped on a voluntary basis at our school a few years ago, and one thing we did insist on was that the kids brought their orders to school in a named envelope with the correct money inside, and also gave a 2nd choice on the order so that if an item wasn't available we could put in a substitute. eg: if no steak and cheese piesthen mince and cheese please. The system we had was no counter sales it was all pre-ordered,*copies of the menu and prices were placed on the school noticeboard and in holders on a desk at the school office;the kids placed the orders in a locked box at the school office, the orders were collected by 9.15am, processed and then delivered back to the school at 12pm. It was a great success, as no left overs to worry about and made catering numbers easier. Good luck with your venture.

pamellie, Jul 12, 3:03pm
I think you would have to come up with a basic menu (perhaps in consultation with parents) and as said above the children would have to order what they wanted and you prepared only that. Keep it simple as you will have to have all the ingredients in stock to supply everything on the menu.
A sandwich,wrap or roll, something hot; pie, sausage roll,mac n cheese, pizza slice, something sweet; homemade muffin or cookie, something cold like a juicie or cold drink.
I don't think primary school kids would choose soup for their lunch plus you would have to supply containers and lids so they could recieve it safely.
With only 75 kids you would be providing a service rather than making any serious money.
Also I think you would want to do only 2 or 3 days a week rather than everyday.
Good luck!

rivercottage1, Nov 19, 8:47pm
thanks for all you ideas, will work on a survey for the parents and kids, see what develops.