I tried out the recipe for lolly cake for the very first time.I found the Fruit Bursts hard to chop up and moreover hard to bite into once the slice was ready.Is there a trick to it - to make the fruit bursts more chewable while eating and easier to cut when preparing the recipe?
Feb 21, 2:40pm
I don't use fruit bursts, I use fruit puffs, eskimos or liquorice, I have never heard of fruit bursts been used before
Feb 21, 2:45pm
We use eskimos and fruit puffs too
Feb 21, 2:48pm
ditto to madison15's thoughts.bappy, I recommend that you use one of the options as in #2 and you should have no real problems - the fruit puffs can be somewhat hard/firm to cut up but they soften once they're mixed through the biscuit mix and should be problem at all to eat.:-))
Feb 21, 2:51pm
Never heard of fruit bursts being used, we usually use fruit puffs and eskimos too also have tried the mini marshmallows they work ok too..:)
Feb 21, 3:43pm
HI, another idea is to use the licorice logs (licorice and choc) yum, T
Feb 21, 3:57pm
maybe put it in water for a couple of minutes to make it soft.
Feb 21, 4:02pm
fruit bursts will turn to rock once you put it in the fridge
Feb 21, 9:50pm
Fruit Burst are not the lolly to use.If you try Fruit Puffs/Eskimos you will enjoy more.
Feb 22, 2:43am
oh dear,. looks like someone got their lollies mixed up :(
Feb 22, 2:46am
Yes I use eskimos or fruit puffs and also add roughly chopped walnuts, not too small though, just yummy, a great favourite.
Feb 22, 5:08pm
Yep, wrong lollies.
Feb 24, 1:39pm
I went to the local Countdown yesterday and couldnt find any fruit puffs there, just fruit bursts.Has any bought fruit puffs recently and if so at which supermarket?I did see Eskimoes at Countdown but touching them, they seemed hard too.
Feb 24, 2:39pm
Don't bother with the Fruit Bursts as they are the wrong consistency. Although Eskimos & Fruit Puffs are firm they do work well. Just cut them into smaller pieces with sissors run under cold water.I wonder whether Marshmellows would work. Someone on here may have tried them & let you know.
Feb 24, 3:15pm
bappy, I haven't bought any fruit puffs for a while but the last few times that I did find them they were ? (Snow's brand from memory) and I found them at one of our local Christchurch Pak 'n Save supermarkets.Another alternative is, if you have a Bin Inn available to you, try there - they usually have a Lolly Cake pack which consists of the Fruit Puffs + crushed biscuits.
Hope that helps.:-))
Feb 24, 6:46pm
Have seen fruit puffs in new world, pak'n'save;countdown. There is also a cheap brand, maybe solly's. I have also made lolly cake with candy banana's (although quite sweet) have also used a choc wheaten bisc to make lolly cake with chopped after dinner mints. Luxurious and a bit expensive, but bliss.
May 16, 1:59pm
kinna54, I think you're correct in thinking that the brand of those fruit puffs was/is Solly's - I do recall that they were made in Blenheim and that is exactly where Solly's sweets are made as can be seen at:-
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