Curried Onions

mas45, Feb 3, 12:10am
I was going to make some curried pickled onions and use one of my mums old wide mouth crockery jars to store them in. Can I just use wax or brown paper tied down for a lid or do they have to be sealed properly? Matt

jessie981, Feb 3, 1:38am
All recipes in Aunt Daisy book say seal so think it means secure lids i.e wax should be ok.

gilligee, Feb 3, 1:44am
I never seal pickled onions.

allurs, Feb 3, 1:47am
in a crock just covered not sealed is what i have done in past

lennonlass, Feb 3, 4:27pm
With you there. Never sealed pickled onions - they are pickled which preserves them.

mas45, Feb 3, 11:12pm
Thanks for the info, I just tied a double piece of waxed baking paper over the top with test can I wait 3 weeks, I think not!

kallista, Nov 15, 8:17pm
Trying these for the first time.
1.My pickling onions are on the large size - can I cut them in halves or quarters!
2.Do I cut off the tops and bottoms!

juliewn, Nov 16, 8:19am
Hi Kallista

Yes. you can cut them however you'd like them to be. I buy large onions now, cutting them into thick rings to make pickled onions - one large ring fits a sandwich.

Peel the onions, and leave the tops and bottoms on, or cut them off if you wish - I leave them on.

Enjoy your pickled onions :-)

whitehead., Nov 16, 10:16pm
i get real lazy and just slice the onions and tip the pickle over them .pickle was 2 cups vinger one cup brown sugar and about a teaspoon of pickling spice boil for about ten minutes and tip over your onions you can use then in an hour but is better the next day

whitehead., Nov 16, 10:17pm
i do half pint jars and cover with a screw top just to keep the ants out

rainrain1, Nov 16, 10:38pm
You have ants in your onions!Ohhh my :-))

kallista, Nov 20, 7:54pm
Thanks for your suggestions.The exercise wasn't entirely successful and I think I have over thickened the sauce and it has set like glue.Tomorrow I am going to make up another sauce and add it to the existing one so hope that helps.