just went to the supermarket and bought a few figs marinated in balsamic vinegar and some small onions in the same. The figs were in a slightly thicker sweet syrup. The onions were about the size of pickling onions, but were kinda squashed in the middle, making them flat looking. Of course they wouldnt tell me where they came from or how they did them..BUT boy were they yummy.
any ideas anyone....
Aug 2, 1:19am
Did you get them off the shelf or in the deli? You can ask the deli staff for a copy of the ingredients.
Aug 2, 3:45am
sounds interesting where did you get them from?
Aug 2, 6:02am
new world greenmeadows. did kinda ask the assistant but she just told me to google....i did, but will do a bigger search tomorrow. yes they were at the deli. The guy said maybe buy a cheap jar of pickle onions, tip out the liquid, and fill up with balsamic vinegar and see how they go. what does anyone think.??
Aug 2, 2:42pm
those balsamic pickled onions are yummy, eh? very expensive but nice and so far I can hide the container in the fridge and hubby does not know what to look for. ;)
Aug 2, 9:36pm
Countdown sell onions in balsamic vinegar in the deli. They have the ingredients on the back of the ticket. You can ask to see them.
Aug 5, 5:01pm
bumping for any recipes.
Aug 5, 7:20pm
I have just put down a lot of pickled onions. I just had an urge to take one more step with this lot. I won't share the "step" at the moment. I will wait and see if they turn out as good as I think they, will be.
Balsamic vinegar is on "my list to make" I have often wondered if you always buy the genuine, aged balsamic. It definitely is possible to cheat your way to the thicker aged, balsamic, the taste is not that far removed from the genuine balsamic. I intend to make some myself this next year, I have found a grower in Hastings, of the grapes, I will require.
Aug 6, 5:51am
pickles, we wait with delight into what you have done to the onions. I am not wanting to make balsamic vinegar, but to do the onions and figs in it. will experiment this week
I'm going to try the shallot recipe-http://www.bbcgoodfood.- com/recipes/7723/balsamic-pick- led-shallots
Aug 6, 6:41am
I would soak some dried figs in port to plump up , then put a little balsamic over them. I know the Supermarket wouldn't put port, in the ones you bought. Who cares I would. lol, If alcohol is to be a problem, bring it to the boilto evaporate it. Gosh, now I am up for some, but I wouldn't be boiling mine. lol. My onions were bottled today, I do hope they will be good, I should know in 5 to six weeks time.
Dec 15, 5:19am
Don't know why I want too. I probably wont see it mature, and my kids would biff it out, along with my dirty old pillow. lol
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