You know the luncheon or shaved ham you purchase at the deli of supermarkets
Jan 31, 10:05pm
OOOOHHHH-I have a question too. how long would you keep a sealed christmas ham for in the fridge before opening? and when you do would you treat it the same as though it was xmas day, (sorry to hijack your thread isis)
Flatty and I both bought some on the way home today so we have too much to eat before it goes off
Right to the freezer it goes
Jan 31, 10:37pm
I'm not sure you should be keeping it much beyond January. I asked my butcher this same question and in his considered opinion, I shouldn't consider taking it away with me in March because it doesn't last that long, even in vacuum packages.
He could have just been playing it safe. Why not ring or e-mail the manufacturers and get a definitive answer. Also the best before or a use by label should be date stamped onto the packaging somewhere. Read it, if in doubt.
Feb 1, 1:15am
Ali, it should have a use by date somewhere on it.
Feb 1, 1:39am
no it doesnt, have a used by date my biggest problem at the moment is because of my real bad hay fever I have lost my smell, I spray perfume on every day and dont smell a thing, so my taste has gone right down the drain too, so I have started shoving meat brought from the supermarket 3 days old under sons noses and saying how does this smell, slimey, discoloured I can tell - smell I cannot, I think the thing to do is just to open it slice off right around and check it. I would hate to waste an entire ham, I had a smoked chicken breast and it was 8th jan so I threw that out last week, I thought maybe a week after use by date for smoked but three weeks was just getting too dodgy
Feb 1, 1:45am
when did you purchase the ham, it really should have a use or best before date on it but if it doesnt I would be a bit weary of it.
Feb 1, 2:36am
got if from hubbys work, they dont do a xmas party you get either a ham or a box of chocolate biscuits, the manufacture date is 26 nov 2010 - thats why I am worried it wasnt mid december!!
Feb 1, 2:44am
I had to read this and smile Luncheon was always called 'sharer's ham' haha brought it for my ex's lunches and ham for my own and don't say that's why he's my ex haha at 6'8" he ate a loaf of bread in a day at work I ate 4 pieces haha and to let him buy luch well don't even go there..he may have left home (actually I did) but he was never went un feed :)My Gran use to say "keep them well feed and well hummmmmmm"and they stay at home...still laugh at the hmmmmmm
Mar 18, 12:15pm
I have frozen both as only shop every 2-3 weeks so buy enough to last between shops.
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