Walnut help

susan21, Jan 7, 5:42am
Just made walnut pesto. Oh Yum.

cookessentials, Jan 7, 5:51am
Miss our two huge, old walnut trees from when we were rural in Carterton. You can pickle them, dry them and store, make Armenian nutmeg and walnut cake, serve them with a variety of cheeses and fruit pastes.

motorbo, Jan 25, 7:16am
i may need to put this in gardening too, anyone grow walnuts? i have a huge tree and have no idea but how to eat them!!! any advice is very welcome

susieq9, Jan 25, 8:13am
Store them in onion bags up off the floor. Once out of their shell keep them in the freezer then they wont go rancid.

whitehead., Jan 25, 8:19am
they will keep for 2 years in the deep freeze .you have to dry them and take off the black skin which is a messy job then you have to let the nuts dry for a month or so just crake one every couple of weeks and taste till they come right then shell and put in the deep freeze they free flow

elliehen, Jan 25, 8:21am
Wait for the March winds to blow them off the tree (also give the branches a good shake and they'll fall when they're ready).The green outer turns black as the walnut ripens and when it falls, it's dry and crackly and snaps off easily.

Then dry the walnuts in their shells by spreading them out in single layers on old wire-netting or carboard boxes.If they're not dried properly they will go mouldy.

Finally store as poster #2 suggests.Lucky you to have a tree.I had a monster tree once, but no longer...

cgvl, Jan 25, 11:59am
we have one and give away heaps, otherwise I leave them in shell until i am ready to use them.
Use them in salads, cakes, biscuits, fruit and nut loaves. You can also press them for walnut oil but not sure how to do that.

olwen, Jan 25, 6:56pm
When my mother was given a lot (way back in the 50's) she made a walnut paste (like an almond paste) for the Xmas cake.

motorbo, Jan 25, 7:48pm
thanks everyone - i saw somewhere a suggestion of popping them in the drier to dry out, as i dont think wire racks will be enough for me, i will no doubt give some away as its a huge old tree, am disappointed many have dropped off already

greerg, Jan 25, 8:33pm
If the dropped ones are still green and soft enough to stick a needle into pickled walnuts are delicious.Do wear gloves when you're dealing with them though as they stain your hands very badly and it is very hard to remove.

motorbo, Jan 25, 8:55pm
oh ive never tried pickled walnuts, what do they taste like?

micky_1, Jan 26, 9:02am
O love pickled walnuts very yummm hard to discribe the taste

motorbo, Jan 30, 3:28am
ohhh sob sob i just found out the walnut tree is going to be cut down and it will be before i get to have any, but the landlady did say they are notparticularly and also said she would give me some of hers, i do hope so!!!

cgvl, Jan 30, 3:58am
oh thats sad, we have just lost 1 loaded branch in all this wind/gale weather we have been having and by the looks we may lose another.
Hope the tree survives as I'll be lost without any.

motorbo, Jan 30, 5:25am
i know what you mean cgvl, the wind here has many on the ground too

lx4000, Jan 30, 5:26am
Dutch Apple Cake

125g Butter
1 C Sugar
2 Eggs
1 1/4 C smooth WARM apple sauce

2 C Flour
1 tspn BS
1/2 tspn Salt
1 1/2 tspn Cin
3/4 tspn Cloves

2 Diced Apples
1 C Raisins
1 C Nuts of your choice

Mix butter, sugar and egg for a few mins.
SLOWLY mix in Warm apple sauce.
Add dry ingredients and mix in.
Add raisins, chopped apple and nuts.

Bake 180 45 mins

This is a winner in this house and goes sooo fast!!
I double it and freeze 1 :) Have made it with maca nuts and walnuts so far. I have even added speculaas spice and not added the cin and cloves. Both are winner on taste!!

Enjoy :)


mkbooks, Jan 31, 3:16am
Put an ad in yoou local paper + sell some

motorbo, Mar 4, 4:48am
oh yah so the tree hasnt been cut down yet so im collecting them now they say they are just gonna trim it so i could get a few buckets yippeeeee