Walnut cake edmonds

olwen, Apr 27, 8:57pm
Can't find the right book. It was in a fairly old Edmonds book. Has walnuts, golden syrup, spices. I made it in layers with a filling. Does anyone have it. Think the book had measurements in metric and imperial to give idea of age.

davidt4, Apr 27, 10:53pm
I have a recipe in my Edmonds book. What do you want to know?

olwen, Apr 27, 11:12pm
I was hoping to get the recipe. Grumpy with myself because I can't find the book

olwen, Apr 27, 11:23pm
Just realised I was too busy being mildly grumpy and didn't say please, if you have time.

davidt4, Apr 27, 11:30pm
Walnut Layer Cake

175g butter
125g sugar
125g golden syrup
3 eggs
1 tab milk
225g flour
1 tsp mixed spice
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp baking powder
3/4 c chopped walnuts

Cream butter, sugar and golden syrup. Beat eggs until thick and add milk. Add liquid alternately with sifted dry ingredients. Add walnuts.

Bake in greased sandwich tins 203 mm 25 minutes at 190 C. When cold fill and ice with Chocolate Butter Icing. Decorate with walnuts.

Can be cooked in 178 mm tine for 1 hour at 180C.

olwen, Apr 27, 11:31pm
Thanks so much!

olwen, Sep 28, 11:19am

I need to perfect ganache and decorating. I'm sure that salted caramel and dark chocolate ganache will be tasty though.