Do you prefer Glass bottles or plastic...whats been your experiences?
Jan 23, 11:08pm
I have been using the 1.5lt plastic soft drink bottles for a few years now.If they should 'explode' it isn't as nasty as glass bottles.Have not had a plastic one do this but still vividly remember the glass ones blowing.And what I like most is the fact that ginger beer doesn't go flat in the bottle if left half full for a few days, not like bought soft drinks!
Jan 24, 12:16am
I had a whole batch of plastic ones explode one year.Was too scared to go intothe woodshed until the last band had been several days ago.It was sooo loud and there were 2 dozen bottles.My brew must have been too strong or something but it did put me off.But I've just lately been thinking of having another go using glass bottles.
Jan 24, 12:30am
I've made it in plastic wine box bladders before and it worked okay.
Jan 24, 2:15am
I make a bottle everyday ( one in fridge & one in the making!)Here is my recipe for Ginger Beer in a bottle (plastic bottle) 1/4tsp baking yeast, 3 tsps ground ginger, 1.2 tsp cream of tartar, 2 tablspns lemon juice, 1 cup white sugar (I decrease this amount to 1/3 cup).Put into 1.5ltr bottle fill nearly to top with warm water.Shake well to dissolve sugar.Leave 24 hours on bench.Refrigerate.Undo lid slowly to release gas before opening.We love it!Enjoy!Cheers!
Jan 24, 2:19am
Oh surely it wouldn't be real ginger beer without a sultana in it?
Jan 24, 2:20am
yesthisisthebestrecipebecauseitissoquick to makeandnice
Jan 24, 2:47am
Does this taste similar to the ginger beer made with a bug?
Jan 24, 2:52am
wow this sounds simple how long do you leave to drink thanks
Jan 24, 12:27pm
canstartdrinking24 hrslater
Jan 25, 11:47pm
Have you had a 24hr one explode on you at all harrislucinda? Its the exploding part that is making me nervous! Yet I love ginger beer so much!...Has anyone tried using splenda sugar or using sucaryl as to try to make a diet version?
Jan 25, 11:52pm
You need the sugar to feed the yeast and make it fizzy.Reducing the sugar as above would reduce the chance of it exploding.I bought yeast yesterday with this recipe in mind.Must make it now!!!
Jan 26, 12:08am
Can anyone clarify the "1.2tsp cream of tartar"?Is that half a teaspoon?
Jan 26, 1:21am
I did that, with a bit extra lemon juice and 1/2 cup sugar.I'll see how it goes tomorrow
Jan 26, 1:46am
apologies...half a teaspoon cream of tartar.I make it one day then refrigerate in the morning & drink that night!Never had any explode.It is not left long enough.The taste is excellent.Cheers!
Jan 26, 2:36am
I realised I used tartaric scid, not cream of tartar, but I'm sure it will be okay
Jan 26, 5:59pm
If I don't have any cream of tarter can I still make it?
Jan 26, 7:49pm
Jan 27, 3:36am
Mine is meant to stand for 3 weeks, but is ready to start using in one week.Think it might have something to do with the hot weather.Haven't had any blow-up yet!
Jan 27, 12:32pm
thanks for this recipe - made up a bottle last night.will let you know how it goes!
Jan 27, 3:31pm
I make a bottle everyday ( one in fridge & one in the making!) Here is my recipe for Ginger Beer in a bottle (plastic bottle) 1/4tsp baking yeast, 3 tsps ground ginger, 1/2 tsp cream of tartar, 2 tablspns lemon juice, 1 cup white sugar (I decrease this amount to 1/3 cup). Put into 1.5ltr bottle fill nearly to top with warm water. Shake well to dissolve sugar. Leave 24 hours on bench. Refrigerate. Undo lid slowly to release gas before opening. We love it! Enjoy! Cheers!Have re-posted this to edit the 1/2 tspn cream of tartar.Apologies!
Jan 23, 9:05pm
Do you prefer Glass bottles or plastic.whats been your experiences!
Jan 23, 11:08pm
I have been using the 1.5lt plastic soft drink bottles for a few years now.If they should 'explode' it isn't as nasty as glass bottles.Have not had a plastic one do this but still vividly remember the glass ones blowing.And what I like most is the fact that ginger beer doesn't go flat in the bottle if left half full for a few days, not like bought soft drinks!
Jan 24, 12:16am
I had a whole batch of plastic ones explode one year.Was too scared to go intothe woodshed until the last band had been several days ago.It was sooo loud and there were 2 dozen bottles.My brew must have been too strong or something but it did put me off.But I've just lately been thinking of having another go using glass bottles.
Jan 24, 12:30am
I've made it in plastic wine box bladders before and it worked okay.
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